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Showing: 1661 - 1670 of 8104 Results

Mississippi Farmers Expanding Opportunities with Up in Farms

October 06, 2016 Leonard Jordan, Associate Chief for Conservation, NRCS

“Not today,” said Mr. Leonard Keyes as he and Dr. John Stanley surveyed the plot of land on Keyes’ farm in Mize, Mississippi. “ Too dry.” Stanley stood beside him holding a tray of squash transplants and nodding his head in agreement. Earlier that morning, Stanley, sourcing manager for Up in Farms...


Think Local and Show Us Your Plate: CNPP's MyPlate, MyState Campaign

October 06, 2016 Kristen Booze, MPH, Public Affairs Specialist, Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion

Do you enjoy snapping photos of your colorful dinners or trying recipes with fresh, local foods from the Farmers Market or garden? If your answer is yes, you’ll love our latest MyPlate, MyState campaign! This October, we’re kicking things into high gear with a call to action for all Americans:

Food and Nutrition

Back to School with Student-Led Smarter Lunchrooms

October 06, 2016 Alicia White, MS, RD, Chief Nutrition Education and Promotion Branch, Child Nutrition Programs, Food and Nutrition Service

Teenagers at several schools across the country are working together with school nutrition staff to make changes to the school cafeteria. Informed by Smarter Lunchrooms’ research, these students are promoting healthful foods to their peers and having a say in menu offerings. Team Nutrition Training...

Initiatives Food and Nutrition

Brown Bat Found in Washington State Infected with Familiar Strain of Fungus

October 05, 2016 Jane Hodgins, U.S. Forest Service

When a little brown bat discovered near North Bend, Washington, in March tested positive for White-nose Syndrome or WNS, scientists had a lot of questions. The bat was found nearly 1,300 miles from the nearest confirmed case of WNS in eastern North America, so the most pressing question was about...


New SNAP E&T Initiatives Aim to Help SNAP Participants Find Jobs

October 05, 2016 Kevin Concannon, USDA Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services

Getting a good job these days takes more than good intentions because today’s jobs require a higher level of skills than ever before. This is why the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program’s Employment and Training Program (SNAP E&T), administered by states across the country, has such an...

Initiatives Food and Nutrition

MyPlate, MyState Helps You Bring the Joy of Local Foods to the Classroom

October 05, 2016 David Herring, Campaign Manager, Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion

Hello Teachers of America! Are you looking for resources for your classes that combine topics such as food and nutrition, farmers and farmers markets, and your state’s agriculture? The USDA Center for Nutrition Policy & Promotion (CNPP) – the group responsible for MyPlate – recently launched MyPlate...

Initiatives Food and Nutrition

Cultivating Heritage, Freedom & Self-Determination

October 05, 2016 Miles McEvoy, Deputy Administrator of the National Organic Program

USDA invited A-dae Romero-Briones, member of the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) , to be a guest author for this blog. The NOSB provides critical support to the USDA and the organic community. We thank the NOSB for their commitment to the organic community, and the integrity of the organic...

Food and Nutrition Farming

New and Improved Tools Help Adapt Forests to Changing Conditions

October 05, 2016 Maria Janowiak and Chris Swanston, U.S. Forest Service

Changes in climate and extreme weather are already increasing challenges for forest ecosystems across the world. Many impacts are expected to remain into the future. This means forest managers, conservationists and woodland owners continually need to address climate change to ensure forests can...


USDA Farmers Market Shoppers Participate in Behavioral Economics Study about Food Choices

October 04, 2016 Elanor Starmer, Administrator, USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service, and Mary Bohman, Administrator, USDA's Economic Research Service

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from USDA’s rich science and research portfolio. What were visitors to USDA’s Farmers Market on Friday, Sept. 30, doing with the iPads they were holding? They certainly...

Research and Science

The Bio-Based Economy and Renewable Energy: USDA's Record of Success

October 04, 2016 Lisa Mensah, Under Secretary, USDA Rural Development

One of the hallmarks of the Obama Administration has been our commitment to economic growth through an expanding bio-based economy. Nowhere is that transformation more pronounced than the success of renewable energy. And USDA Rural Development has been a leader in that effort. The proof is in the...

Energy Rural

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