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We paid more for food in 2021, especially for meat. What's the outlook for the new year? Gary Crawford has this report. PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. USDA economist, Matt MacLachlan. USDA Chief Economist Seth Meyer. Former USDA Chief Economist Howard Hjort.
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack discusses the significance of a USMCA dispute settlement panel ruling favoring our nation in a disagreement over Canadian dairy tariff-rate-quota policy.
Could the official list of weather and climate related disasters totaling one-billion dollars in 2021 reach a record number? Rod Bain reports. PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey
In the coming decade our own domestic market for soybeans could play a larger role in the overall soybean economy. (Gary Crawford and USDA Chief Economist Seth Meyer)
Has the pandemic negatively changed your patterns of exercise, sleep and diet? One expert says it's possible. Gary Crawford has more. PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Sharolyn Jackson with Kansas State University Extension
Many of us fail to keep our New Year's resolution to start exercising, Why? Gary Crawford has an expert with the answer. PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Dr. Karen Ensle, Rutgers University extension nutrition and health expert.
USDA researchers are looking at innovations and smart technology to develop traps to help control feral swine populations. Rod Bain reports. PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and John Kilgo of the U.S. Forest Service
Quiet weather is expected to continue in the drought-stricken Southern Plains, which could affect the winter wheat crop. (Stephanie Ho and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)
El USDA APHIS comparte información sobre la incorporación de quince nuevos estados al NMTS y actualizaciones importantes sobre las vacunas contra la IAAP en todas las especies
El Secretario del Departamento de Agricultura de Estados Unidos, Tom Vilsack, y la Representante Comercial de Estados Unidos, Katherine Tai, anunciaron hoy el nombramiento o reelección de 53 miembros para formar parte de siete comités asesores de comercio agrícola.