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Big Chunk of U.S. Ag. Product Exports Going to China


China is responsible for a very big chunk of U.S. agricultural product export sales. The size of that chunk may surprise you. (Gary Crawford and Bart Kenner, USDA economist)

Daily Newsline

FSA County Committee Nomination Process Starts Soon


The nomination process for Farm Service Agency County Committee members begins later this month - the start of the annual Committee election cycle. (Rod Bain and FSA Administrator Zach Ducheneaux)

Daily Newsline

Actuality: FSA County Committees and Election Timeline


Farm Service Agency Administrator Zach Ducheneaux explains the role of FSA County Committee members, and the timeline for the 2021 Committee elections.

Daily Newsline

Food Prices Rising, but at Slower Rate than Most Items in the Economy


A new report shows the inflation rate for food is continuing to increase, but not as much as the rate for other items in the general economy. (Gary Crawford and USDA economist, Carolyn Chelius)

Daily Newsline

Actuality: Latest CPI Data for Food at Home, at Supermarkets and in General


Carolyn Chelius, USDA economist, giving some of the latest Consumer Price Index information for food in general, food at grocery stores and food eaten away from home.

Daily Newsline

Vilsack to Investors - Rural America is Ready


The Agriculture Secretary encouraged investors of business opportunities to look at the promising prospects and innovative aspects of the rural economy. (Rod Bain and Secretary Tom Vilsack)

Daily Newsline

Actuality: Vilsack on Rural Economic Investment Opportunities


Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack discusses the numerous opportunities for investment in rural America as part of the week-long SelectUSA Investment Summit.

Daily Newsline

New Trade Update Shows U.S. Ag. Exports Well above Last Year.


There's some encouraging numbers in USDA's latest update on agricultural trade. (Gary Crawford and Bart Kenner, USDA economist)

Daily Newsline

Is April's Drop in Ag. Exports Anything to Worry about?


U.S. agricultural exports in April dropped from sales in March. Is that something to worry about? (Gary Crawford and Bart Kenner, USDA economist)

Daily Newsline

Actuality: Some Key Numbers in USDA's New Ag. Trade Update


Bart Kenner, USDA economist, with some key numbers in USDA's new update on agricultural trade.

Daily Newsline

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