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Farm Service Agency Administrator Zach Ducheneaux talks about the Wildfire and Hurricane Indemnity Program Plus and other offerings in FSA's suite of disaster assistance programs for producers.
Biotechnology innovation and science-based regulation are important aspects for the nation's plant seed industry to address global challenges, according to the Agriculture Secretary. (Rod Bain and Secretary Tom Vilsack)
If you are a dog owner and are living in an area where it's dangerously hot, experts urge you to be alert for symptoms of heat stress and stroke in your dog. (Gary Crawford and Kurt Hammel, veterinarian with USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service)
El USDA APHIS comparte información sobre la incorporación de quince nuevos estados al NMTS y actualizaciones importantes sobre las vacunas contra la IAAP en todas las especies
El Secretario del Departamento de Agricultura de Estados Unidos, Tom Vilsack, y la Representante Comercial de Estados Unidos, Katherine Tai, anunciaron hoy el nombramiento o reelección de 53 miembros para formar parte de siete comités asesores de comercio agrícola.