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USDA recently announced some specialty crop and organic growers will have expanded crop insurance options available starting in the 2025 crop year. (Rod Bain and Risk Management Agency Administrator Marcia Bunger)
Risk Management Agency Administrator Marcia Bunger explains the need to announce new and expanded crop insurance products well before the upcoming crop year.
Some crop production areas are reporting drought coverage on the rise since mid-June, as reflected in the latest U.S. Drought Monitor commodities in drought outlook. (Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey)
USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey notes the July 2nd U.S. Drought Monitor regarding crops like spring wheat, and commodities such as hay and cattle in drought.
El USDA APHIS comparte información sobre la incorporación de quince nuevos estados al NMTS y actualizaciones importantes sobre las vacunas contra la IAAP en todas las especies
El Secretario del Departamento de Agricultura de Estados Unidos, Tom Vilsack, y la Representante Comercial de Estados Unidos, Katherine Tai, anunciaron hoy el nombramiento o reelección de 53 miembros para formar parte de siete comités asesores de comercio agrícola.