Los sitios web oficiales utilizan .gov A
.gov El sitio web pertenece a una organización gubernamental oficial de los Estados Unidos.
Los sitios web seguros .gov utilizan HTTPS Un candado (
) o https:// significa que se ha conectado de forma segura al sitio web .gov. Comparta información confidencial solo en sitios web oficiales y seguros.
Ann, thanks very much for that warm introduction. Ann Bartuska is a highly regarded member of our team at USDA and the Secretary and I value her leadership in the research, education and economics mission area. Thank you, Ann. It's an honor to be part of this conference and USDA once again is a...
One hundred and fifty years ago, in the midst of an epic struggle upon which the fate of our nation and its experiment with a democratic government hung in the balance, our political leaders - led by President Lincoln - created the Department of Agriculture. The establishment of the department, in...