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What does USDA research indicate regarding a series of tax credits set to expire at the end of 2025, and how it might impact producers and farm families? (Rod Bain and research economist Tia McDonald)
Tia McDonald of the Economic Research Service discusses some of the tax credits scheduled for expiration at the end of next year and what that means for a potential increased tax liability for farm families.
What are among the takeaways contained in a recently issued federal advisory committee report focused on the next set of dietary guidelines for Americans? (Rod Bain and Janet de Jesus of the Department of Health and Human Services)
Janet de Jesus of the Department of Human and Health Services discusses some of recommendations made by an advisory committee crafting the Dietary Guidelines for Americans for 2025 - 2030.
Janet de Jesus of the Department of Health and Human Services discusses what is next in the process of crafting the latest round of the USDA-HHS joint Dietary Guidelines for Americans for the period of 2025-2030.
What were some of the notable bits from USDA's latest look at global and U.S. wheat production, supply, and demand estimates? (Rod Bain and World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Mark Jekanowski)
Mexico and other non-U.S. Northern hemisphere countries contributed to adjustments in USDA's December global corn production forecasts. (Rod Bain and World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Mark Jekanowski)
El USDA APHIS comparte información sobre la incorporación de quince nuevos estados al NMTS y actualizaciones importantes sobre las vacunas contra la IAAP en todas las especies
El Secretario del Departamento de Agricultura de Estados Unidos, Tom Vilsack, y la Representante Comercial de Estados Unidos, Katherine Tai, anunciaron hoy el nombramiento o reelección de 53 miembros para formar parte de siete comités asesores de comercio agrícola.