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What changes from the prior week were recorded in the latest edition of USDA’s topsoil moisture condition ratings report? (Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey)
What was the week-over-week change in pasture and rangeland conditions for the nation, as well as adjustments for various states? (Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey)
Researchers say there are many problems associated with spending too much screen time. Gary Crawford has more about this on this edition of Agriculture USA/ PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Kansas State University Extension Child Development Specialist Bradfold Wiles. Classic TV kids show host...
Recent announcements by top USDA officials focused on improving school nutrition programs year-long as well as in specific times such as the summer. Rod Bain reports. PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain. Secretary Tom Vilsack. Deputy Secretary Xochilt Torres Small.
USDA is going the extra mile to provide the information that the operators of small meat processing plants need to thrive. Gary Crawford has more. PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. Administrator of USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service Paul Kiecker
This summer is the inauguration of a new program designed to help parents make sure their chlldren get the nutrition they need when school is not in session. Gary Crawford has more.'' PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Deputy Agriculture Secretary Xochitl Torres Small
El USDA APHIS comparte información sobre la incorporación de quince nuevos estados al NMTS y actualizaciones importantes sobre las vacunas contra la IAAP en todas las especies
El Secretario del Departamento de Agricultura de Estados Unidos, Tom Vilsack, y la Representante Comercial de Estados Unidos, Katherine Tai, anunciaron hoy el nombramiento o reelección de 53 miembros para formar parte de siete comités asesores de comercio agrícola.