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Showing: 361 - 370 of 1127 Results
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Deer Sign of the Times: Pellet Surveys Reveal Whitetail Abundance

April 14, 2015 Joshua Hanson, Allegheny National Forest, and Alex Royo, Research Ecologist, Northern Research Station

It’s a cool 37 degrees Fahrenheit as Alex Royo and I step out of the Forest Service truck and on to the muddy forest road. With the meteorologist calling for sun and a high of 66 degrees by lunchtime, I am already faced with the day’s toughest decision – do I keep my warm jacket on or leave it in...


In the Wake of the Rim Fire, What Comes Next? A Story of Recovery, Restoration and Reforestation

April 13, 2015 Gregg Goodland, U.S. Forest Service

Like a phoenix rising from ashes, blackened portions of the Stanislaus National Forest, which were left by the Rim Fire that blazed through the Sierras in August of 2013, have begun to spring to life. Left with a burn scar that is one-third larger than New York City, a reforestation team is...


Longleaf Pine Savanna Helps Educate Farmers, Others on Value of Forest

April 07, 2015 Renee Bodine, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Florida

The Nature Conservancy’s Apalachicola Bluffs and Ravines Preserve, an hour west of Tallahassee, Florida, protects nearly 6,300 acres of restored sandhill habitat. Young longleaf pines stand in thick waves of golden wiregrass. Wild turkey, bobwhite quail, gopher tortoise and Florida pine snake once...

Conservation Forestry

Latino Youth Conservation Leaders, Forest Service Leaders Share Blissful Experience of Transformational Conservation Successes

April 06, 2015 Jane Knowlton, U.S. Forest Service

(Editor’s note: Luis Cruz is a youth conservation leader with Latino Legacy and PLT GreenSchools!, part of the Houston East End Greenbelt project. These projects are part of an eight-year partnership with the U.S. Forest Service Friends of the National Forests and Grasslands of Texas-Latino Legacy...


Tusayan Ranger District Achieves Goal of Zero Human-Caused Fires

April 01, 2015 Jacqueline Banks, Kaibab National Forest, U.S. Forest Service

In calendar year 2014, the Tusayan Ranger District of the Kaibab National Forest achieved a longtime goal of zero human-caused wildfires. According to forest wildfire records, the last time the district had zero human fires was in 1965, exactly 50 years ago. “Over the last three years, we have had a...


Loss of Space Threatening North American Sasquatch

April 01, 2015 Tiffany Holloway, Office of Communication, U.S. Forest Service

There are many reasons the U.S. Forest Service conserves open space. It allows us to deliver clean water, provide space for recreation activities and maintain wildlife habitat for a variety of creatures – most notably the North American Sasquatch. While most people believe the Sasquatch to be a...


Going to Great Heights for Data and Atmospheric Monitoring

March 31, 2015 Carita Chan, Research & Development, U.S. Forest Service

What lengths would you go to for the pursuit of science? That’s a question I asked myself when I had the opportunity to participate in data collection at the Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site with John Frank and John Korfmacher, Electronics Engineer and Physical Scientist respectively, at the...


The Greatest Good

March 31, 2015 Tom Tidwell, Chief, U.S.D.A. Forest Service

I was asked recently what the Forest Service mission meant to me. There are three words that always come to mind any time I think about what we do … the greatest good. Founder of the Forest Service, Gifford Pinchot said that where conflicting interests must be reconciled, the question shall always...


A Year Round Fire Season?

March 30, 2015 Robert Westover, Office of Communication, U.S. Forest Service

There was a time when fire season for Western states meant only certain months out of the year. Not so long ago the U.S. Forest Service considered it primarily a summer problem with a few regions breaking the trend in early spring and late fall. But climate change, according to most wildland fire...


How Does Wildlife Respond When Forest Management Helps to Reduce Wildfire Risk?

March 26, 2015 Stephanie Worley Firley, U.S. Forest Service

Forest managers in the western United States often face difficult choices when it comes to reducing wildfire hazards while also maintaining wildlife habitat in forests that have changed dramatically in the last century. The U.S. Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station and partners are...


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