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Showing: 81 - 90 of 324 Results
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Celebrating 80 Years of Partnership

October 26, 2016 Brandon McBride, Rural Utilities Service Administrator

This is a special year for rural electric cooperative utilities. Eighty years ago, Congress passed and President Roosevelt signed the Rural Electrification Act of 1936. The REA brought electricity to rural America, ultimately making the United States the source of the world’s food, fuel and fiber...

Energy Rural

REAPing America's Clean Energy Future

October 25, 2016 Sam Rikkers, Administrator for Rural Business and Cooperative Service

USDA Rural Development’s Rural Energy for America Program, commonly referred to as ‘REAP’, provides financial resources for rural agricultural producers and small businesses to help them improve their bottom line. REAP provides loan guarantees and small grants to support these producers and owners...

Energy Rural

Collective Solar Victory in Virginia

October 19, 2016 Lillian Salerno, Deputy Under Secretary for Rural Development

Many people in this country would love to use solar or other types of renewable energy in their homes, but barriers may exist to stifle interest in small-scale renewable energy implementation. Not everyone has the roof space, the sunlight, or the money for a solar energy project. Not everyone has...

Energy Rural

A Giant Crop-Scanner Is Turning Heads in Arizona

October 11, 2016 Dennis O'Brien, Public Affairs Specialist, Agricultural Research Service

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from USDA’s rich science and research portfolio. With its 30-ton frame and 50-foot-high catwalk, the newest scanner for measuring crop plants in Maricopa, Arizona, can be...

Energy Research and Science

The Bio-Based Economy and Renewable Energy: USDA's Record of Success

October 04, 2016 Lisa Mensah, Under Secretary, USDA Rural Development

One of the hallmarks of the Obama Administration has been our commitment to economic growth through an expanding bio-based economy. Nowhere is that transformation more pronounced than the success of renewable energy. And USDA Rural Development has been a leader in that effort. The proof is in the...

Energy Rural

From Recovery to Renewal: Rural America's Partner for Prosperity

September 01, 2016 Lisa Mensah, Under Secretary for Rural Development

Eight years ago this month, the US economy went into free fall. The crash of the housing market led to a chain of historic levels of bankruptcies and layoffs. The stock market would eventually lose 20% of its value; family incomes, investments, and home values were being crushed. Along with that...

Initiatives Energy Rural USDA Results

EPA Recognizes U.S. Department of Agriculture Among Nation's Leading Green Power USERS

August 11, 2016 Dean Johnson, National Facilities Energy and Water Program Manager, USDA Office of Procurement and Property Management

In 2015, USDA launched the answer to President Obama’s Climate Action Plan challenge for food and forestry, with the Building Blocks for Climate Smart Agriculture and Forestry. Ten building blocks span a range of technologies and practices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase carbon storage...


USDA is a Boon to Business in Boonville, NY; Higher Exports Thanks, in part, to Rural Development Program

June 30, 2016 Sam Rikkers, Administrator, Rural Business and Cooperative Service

Focusing on international markets, renewable energy and a community’s inherent assets, rural businesses find dynamic paths to prosperity. To see this in action, I headed to Boonville, New York. Mark Bourgeois was born and raised in Boonville and today is President of CJ Logging Equipment and 3B...

Energy Rural Trade USDA Results

REAP: Working Well in North Carolina

June 29, 2016 Sam Rikkers, Administrator, Rural Business and Cooperative Service

USDA Rural Development’s Rural Energy for America Program, or REAP as we call it, is one of the flagship programs found in the energy title of the Farm Bill. Through REAP, USDA helps rural agricultural producers and small businesses improve their financial bottom line through increased energy...

Energy Rural

California's Clean Energy Pioneers Come in Black and White

May 27, 2016 Sam Rikkers, Administrator, Rural Business-Cooperative Service

California has a pioneering spirit. Rural folks there have been on the frontier for generations. That frontier may have been gold mines and cattle grasslands in the past, but today that frontier is the very air, soil and water of California itself. Climate change is transforming California like it’s...

Energy Rural

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