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Showing: 231 - 240 of 1523 Results
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USDA Conservation Program Keeping Puerto Rico Water Sources Clean

February 18, 2016 Darin Leach, Public Information Coordinator, Rural Development and Brenda Carlson, Public Affairs Specialist, FSA Office of External Affairs

Moises Velez-Santiago understands the important role farming can play in protecting water quality for Puerto Rico’s 3.5 million residents. He’s been farming on the island nearly three decades. Through the USDA Farm Service Agency’s (FSA) Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), Velez-Santiago has strived...


Innovation in the Tropics Helps Farmers Conserve Resources and Improve Soil Health

February 17, 2016 Jolene Lau, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Hawaii

Farmers in the Tropics needed a better tool to estimate the nitrogen contribution from cover crops to reduce their commercial fertilizer rates. Cover crops, which may appear as weeds to the untrained eye, are healthy plants that enhance soil health and minimize erosion. Covering the soil helps...


The Surprise in Latest Forecast: Net Farm Income Down; but Farm Businesses and Farm Households Show Improvement

February 17, 2016 USDA Chief Economist Dr. Robert Johansson

USDA’s Economic Research Service (ERS) recently released its Farm Income forecast for 2016. Net cash income and net farm income (which includes the value and costs of items like depreciation, home consumption of farm goods, and unsold inventory) are both expected to fall slightly compared to 2015...


Local Food Systems at Work in the Driftless Area

February 17, 2016 Elanor Starmer, Acting Administrator of the Agricultural Marketing Service

So called because it was left untouched by retreating glaciers that flattened much of the Midwest, the Driftless Area of northeast Iowa, southwest Wisconsin, and bits of Minnesota and Illinois is home to more than just beautiful rolling hills. It’s also the site of inspiring efforts to develop a...

Conservation Food and Nutrition Farming

Consumer Demand Bolstering Organic Production and Markets in the U.S.

February 16, 2016 Catherine Greene, USDA Economic Research Service, Resource and Rural Economics Division

Organic food sales in the United States have shown double-digit growth during most years since the 1990s, and this trend shows no sign of slowing. The Nutrition Business Journal reports annual growth in the nation’s organic food sales has generally exceeded 10 percent since the downturn in the...


Conservation Partnerships Improve Illinois River

February 16, 2016 Creston Shrum, Natural Resources Conservation Service

Thanks to conservation partnerships, two segments of the Illinois River are off Arkansas’s impaired waters list. Surface erosion and agricultural activities along the river caused high levels of turbidity – or water haziness. Improvement in these conditions from the 2006 listing, led to ten segments...


New Report, USDA Climate Hubs Offer Help to Address Forest Drought in the U.S.

February 12, 2016 Randy Johnson, USDA Climate Hubs

Drought patterns have always fluctuated and are expected to become increasingly dynamic in the years to come, making managing working lands profitably more of a challenge. Because specific actions for building resilience to drought vary with location and forest type, USDA is helping land managers...


The Life of a USDA Market News Reporter

February 12, 2016 Alexandra Wright, AMS Market News Reporter

As I walked up to my new USDA office, distracted by the animal noises, I dodged horse-drawn buggies while tiptoeing around cow pies. Originally from the suburbs of Atlanta, my exposure to livestock was limited. As a market reporter with USDA Market News, I found that my exposure would significantly...

Conservation Food and Nutrition Farming

Colorado Ranchers Thankful for USDA's Emergency Haying and Grazing Program

February 11, 2016 Dana Rogge, Public Affairs and Outreach Specialist, Missouri FSA

In 2012, USDA designated 2,245 counties in 39 states as disaster areas due to drought, or 71 percent of the United States. Many of the country’s livestock producers faced the ultimate decision – liquidate or figure out a way to survive. Ranchers across the state had planned to graze their livestock...


Helping Small Farmers in the South Go Organic

February 11, 2016 Elanor Starmer, AMS Acting Administrator

Rock Woods, Gulf States Regional Director for the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT), knows the importance of persistence. Rock wanted to help more farmers in the southeast learn about organic certification, but he also knew that farmers are busy. That’s why Rock and NCAT launched a...

Initiatives Conservation

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