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Showing: 1311 - 1320 of 1398 Results
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USDA Rural Development Hosts a Self Help Housing Listening Forum In North Carolina

March 17, 2010

Barbara Beard-Hinton, Assistant to the State Director for Rural Development in North Carolina, Mel Ellis, Director, Single Family Housing and Rich Davis, Acting Deputy Administrator , Single Family Housing sponsored a Self Help Housing Listening Forum at the McKimmon Conference Center at North...


The 2010 Census: We Can’t Move Forward Until You Mail it Back

March 10, 2010

By taking just 10 minutes to answer just 10 questions, farmers and rural residents can help ensure a bright future for their local communities. The 2010 Census is now on its way to every household in the United States – and the results will have a major impact on rural America.


Overflow Crowd for Job and Economic Growth Forum in Montgomery, Alabama

March 09, 2010 acampbell

Stormy, cold, unpleasant weather did not hinder more than 125 people from attending the Job and Economic Growth Forum in Montgomery, Alabama last month hosted by USDA Rural Development and the USDA Farm Service Agency, as a follow-up to the Forum on Jobs and Economic Growth that President Obama...

Conservation USDA Results Rural

USDA Administrator Says Millions of Dollars in Federal Loan Guarantee Funds Available for Small Business Development

March 09, 2010

Judith Canales, Administrator of USDA Rural Development Business Programs, Curt Wiley, Chief of Staff, and Pandor Hadjy, Deputy Administrator, visited Atlanta recently to meet with State Directors, Business Program Directors, and Business loan specialists from 15 states and two territories in an...


USDA Rural Development Hosts Housing Forum in Puerto Rico

March 08, 2010

José Otero-García, USDA Rural Development State Director, and Tammy Treviño, USDA Rural Development Rural Housing Administrator sponsored a Self-Help Housing Forum at the Sacred Heart University in San Juan and was web connected with the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus and with the...


Recovery Act, Helping Put Food on The Table, Creating Jobs and Improving Access to Medical Care

March 04, 2010

Deputy Agriculture Secretary Kathleen Merrigan visited the Utah Food Bank in Salt Lake City today, where she took a tour of the facility and helped assemble meal packets with USDA foods. Merrigan highlighted the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), and the ARRA funding that Utah Food Bank...

Initiatives Rural

Mississippi Hosts A Recovery Act Broadband Workshop-Five Counties to Receive Broadband Service

March 04, 2010

With much of Mississippi located in rural areas and many of those rural areas lacking broadband access, it should be no surprise when USDA Rural Development’s Mississippi team chose to take extra initiative to make sure that Mississippi’s rural cities and counties take full advantage of the...

Initiatives Rural Technology

USDA Self Help Housing Forum Held in Arkansas

March 03, 2010

U.S. Senator Blanche Lincoln recently welcomed USDA Rural Development Administrator for Housing and Community Facilities Tammye Trevino to Little Rock for the department’s first of ten public forums on the Self-Help Housing Program.


Ugandan Dairy Cooperatives Quadruple Sales and Create Jobs with Help from the Food for Progress Program

March 02, 2010

Agriculture Secretary Vilsack today announced that USDA will donate more than $145 million in international assistance under the Food for Progress Program in fiscal year 2010. This figure will benefit more than 3.4 million people in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East by providing access...

Food and Nutrition Rural

New School Building in Dillon, South Carolina on the Drawing Board Thanks to a 15 year old Student’s Letter to President Obama

March 02, 2010

When 15 year Ty’Sheoma Bethea, formerly a student in Dillon, South Carolina, wrote to President Obama about the condition of her school, It set off a chain of events that led, last Friday, to a celebration in Dillon marking the unveiling of plans for a new J.V. Martin Junior High School. A...


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