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Showing: 291 - 300 of 1131 Results
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Hog Wild Over Broadband

February 25, 2016 Brandon McBride, Administrator, Rural Utilities Service

Bringing broadband to rural areas is helping transform business operations, including family-owned hog farms. Ralls County Electric Cooperative in Missouri received Recovery Act funding to provide fiber-to-the-premises in a very rural area of Missouri. One of the locations in the Ralls County...

Initiatives Rural

Fighting Crime with Fiber Optics

February 22, 2016 Brandon McBride, Administrator, Rural Utilities Service

Near Stearns, Kentucky, a state trooper monitored traffic, watching for a car described in a just-issued bulletin. A car passed. No match. Stearns is situated on the Upper Cumberland Plateau, McCreary County which is home to just 18,000 people. Another car flashed by.

Initiatives Rural

Gigabit Comes to Rural Western North Carolina

February 19, 2016 Brandon McBride, Administrator, Rural Utilities Service

At the foot of Mount Mitchell, highest peak east of the Mississippi River, sits the quiet town of Burnsville, North Carolina. People come and go from the textile factory, hikers visit to climb the mountain, and a colorful art scene adds flavor to the community. But in 2009 in the wake of the stock...

Initiatives Rural

What I Would Have Said Today to Vice President Biden about the Recovery Act

February 17, 2016 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

This blog is cross posted from Secretary Vilsack's Medium page: Somedays being a Cabinet member, you have to be flexible. Today is one of those days. While in New Orleans to speak to the Renewable Fuel Association and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, I traveled to the Port of New...

Initiatives Rural

2,700 Miles of Fiber

February 17, 2016 Brandon McBride, Administrator, Rural Utilities Service

In 2010, Scott County, Tennessee languished at a twenty-one percent unemployment rate, not unusual for rural areas. By early 2015, that rate had halved. Through fiber optic power, Highland Telephone Cooperative’s vision, and funding from USDA Rural Development, these rural counties have become...

Initiatives Rural USDA Results

Helping Small Farmers in the South Go Organic

February 11, 2016 Elanor Starmer, AMS Acting Administrator

Rock Woods, Gulf States Regional Director for the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT), knows the importance of persistence. Rock wanted to help more farmers in the southeast learn about organic certification, but he also knew that farmers are busy. That’s why Rock and NCAT launched a...

Initiatives Conservation

Congrats to the Student Diversity Program Winners, See You at the 2016 Agricultural Outlook Forum

February 08, 2016 Susan Carter, Public Affairs Staff, Office of the Chief Economist

A group of 30 university students, announced by Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, will get a head start to a career in agriculture as winners of USDA’s Agricultural Outlook Forum Student Diversity Program. Twenty university juniors and seniors were chosen based their essays on “Agriculture as a...


Looking Ahead: Adding Seats to the Table to Diversify the Agricultural Workforce

January 28, 2016 USDA Deputy Secretary Krysta Harden

From the field to the fork, we need diversity in agriculture. I’m proud to say that here at USDA, we are doing our part to make sure young people have access to the wide array of opportunities available. Over the next five years, we can expect to see an average of 57,900 jobs become available...


Fun New eBooks Help Kids Discover MyPlate

January 22, 2016 Alicia White, Chief, Nutrition Education and Promotion Branch, Child Nutrition Programs, Food and Nutrition Service

The recently-released Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020 highlights how many Americans need to shift their dietary patterns to include more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, dairy, seafood, and oils and eat fewer refined grains, added sugars, saturated fats, and sodium. Perhaps your family...

Initiatives Food and Nutrition

Under Represented Students STEP-Up to Careers in Agriculture

January 20, 2016 Scott Elliott, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

The lack of women and minority representation in the professional agricultural workforce has become so pronounced that in STEM Stratplan 2013 President Obama called for an “all-hands-on-deck approach to science, technology, engineering, and math” (STEM) education. According to the White House...


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