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Partners Launch No Kid Hungry in New Mexico

March 21, 2011 Andrea McCauley, Public Affairs Director, Southwest Region, USDA Food and Nutrition Service

Staff from USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service Southwest regional office was pleased to join the national non-profit, Share Our Strength, in Albuquerque, for the launch of their No Kid Hungry campaign to end childhood hunger in New Mexico. The No Kid Hungry campaign is a public-private partnership...

Food and Nutrition

¿Tienes Hambre? Los programas de USDA sirven a la comunidad Latina en Miami.

March 17, 2011 Roxana Barillas, Deputy Director, USDA Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships

Junto con nuestros colegas del Servicio de Alimentos y Nutrición de USDA, el Centro de Organizaciones de Fe y Comunitarias de USDA ha estado trabajando de cerca con los pastores en Miami, Florida para ampliar las oportunidades de proporcionar alimentos a aquellos con necesidad. El 24 de marzo, uno...

Spanish Food and Nutrition

¿Tienes Hambre? USDA Programs Serve the Latino Community in Miami.

March 17, 2011 Roxana Barillas, Deputy Director, USDA Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships

Together with our colleagues at USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service, USDA’s Partnership Center has been working closely with pastors in Miami, Florida to expand opportunities to provide food to hungry people. On March 24, one of our partners, the Family and Children Faith Coalition in South Florida...

Food and Nutrition

Going for the Gold in the HealthierUS School Challenge

March 17, 2011 Debbie Smoot, Regional Public Affairs Director, USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Southeast Region, Atlanta, GA

Cross posted from the Let's Move! blog: Most Olympians will tell you that going for the “gold” is never an easy road. They will also tell you that it is an achievement that requires dedication and hard work, but the rewards are well worth the effort. Those rewards are even greater when the outcome...

Food and Nutrition Initiatives

USDA’s Food Assistance Program Legacy Lives On

March 17, 2011 Katie Gorscak, Foreign Agricultural Service

The United States has a long history of helping those in need and USDA has played a large role in these efforts over the years. The U.S. government’s food assistance programs were born in a time of conflict. Food aid played a crucial role in the reconstruction of Europe after World War II. Farm and...

Initiatives Food and Nutrition Trade

Want to Help Feed Hungry Kids This Summer? Check Out Our New Webinars and Outreach Toolkits!

March 16, 2011 Rachel Rush, Program Analyst, USDA Food and Nutrition Service

Each summer, children wait for the last bell of the school year. Summer is an exciting time for children to enjoy playtime with friends, a week at camp, a family vacation, or time at the pool. But for many children who receive free and reduced-price meals at school, summer can mean hunger. Just as...

Food and Nutrition

See First Hand How Partnerships Impact Children

March 16, 2011 Karen Twitty, Deputy Regional Administrator, USDA FNS Southwest Region

Celebrations always seem bigger in Texas. And the one on February 25, at Brawner Intermediate School in Granbury, Texas, was no exception. The event recognized the school’s invaluable partnership with dairy farmers, the Fuel Up to Play 60 program and USDA, who teamed to make an unprecedented pledge...

Food and Nutrition Initiatives

Creatively Expanding School Breakfast in the Midwest

March 11, 2011 Kathy FioRito, FNS Midwest Public Affairs Specialist

More and more of the nation’s children are starting their school day well-nourished and ready to learn with a nutritious breakfast at school. Studies confirm the importance of breakfast in optimizing children’s learning, attendance and classroom behavior. Drawing a conclusion that our mothers knew...

Food and Nutrition

Hard Work, Creativity Key to Successful Summer Food Service Program

March 10, 2011 Chris Kelly, Mid-Atlantic Region Public Affairs Specialist

Increasing participation in the Summer Food Service Program isn’t always easy. There are no silver bullets or magic spells. Being successful also doesn’t require fancy outreach materials that break the bank. The secret, according to the Food Bank of Delaware, is hard work and creativity.

Food and Nutrition

Ayude A Alimentar A Niños Con Hambre Este Verano: Aprenda Más el 16 de Marzo

March 09, 2011 Max Finberg, Director for the USDA Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships

Los vientos de invierno pueda que aún estén soplando en donde usted vive, pero ya es hora de empezar a pensar en el verano. Cuando haya terminado el año escolar, más de 20 millones de niños que reciben almuerzo (lonche) gratis o a precio reducido durante el año a través del Programa Nacional de...

Spanish Food and Nutrition

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