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Showing: 281 - 290 of 359 Results
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USDA Tree Climber Finishes 12th in World Competition

October 07, 2011 Bear LeVangie, APHIS Asian Longhorned Beetle Eradication Program, Worcester, Mass.

Does your job relate to the activities you enjoy in your personal life? Mine does. In fact, no matter what challenges I’ve faced over the years, I’ve been able to stay sane because I am doing what I love to do, and I keep a positive mental attitude.

Animals Plants

Dr. Sunny Geiser Reflects on her Career at APHIS for World Veterinary Year

October 06, 2011 Dr. Sunny Geiser, APHIS Area Veterinarian in Charge Trainee, Fort Collins, CO

Hi, I’m Dr. Sunny Geiser and I’m in the Area Veterinarian in Charge (AVIC) trainee program in USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service’s (APHIS) Western Region. I’m currently stationed in Fort Collins, CO. I grew up with horses and livestock and always enjoyed working with them. The medical...

Animals Plants

Basic Agricultural Safeguarding Training BOOT CAMP Part II

September 30, 2011 Patrick Boyton, APHIS Program Specialist, Frederick, MD

In a previous blog post, we took a look at the training of Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Plant Health Safeguarding Specialists (PHSS) at The Professional Development Center (PDC). Now, let’s meet some of the faces behind the manuals and microscopes: the 2011 class of Basic...

Animals Plants

Making Rabies History – World Rabies Day, September 28

September 28, 2011 Gail Keirn, APHIS Public Affairs, Fort Collins, CO

Today is World Rabies Day. Scientists, public health professionals, veterinarians, wildlife biologists, and others from around the globe will celebrate World Rabies Day by raising awareness about efforts to rid the world of rabies. Rabies is one of the oldest known diseases, yet it remains a...

Conservation Animals Plants

In the Lab, Dr. Beverly Schmitt Makes it Happen

September 22, 2011 Dr. Beverly Schmitt, Director of APHIS’ Diagnostic Virology Lab, Ames, IA

I’m Dr. Beverly Schmitt. I work for USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) in Ames, Iowa, where I’m the Director of the Diagnostic Virology Lab (DVL). I’ve been with NVSL for 19 years. Before I came to APHIS, I served as the virology lab...

Animals Plants

Defense of our Nation’s Food Supply – What is USDA Doing and What Can You do to Help?

September 16, 2011 Sheryl Maddux, Deputy Director, USDA Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Coordination

National Preparedness Month is a good opportunity to reflect on progress towards ensuring the security of our Nation’s food supply. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) considers defense of the food and agriculture sector critical– all the way from farm to fork. Some animal or plant diseases...

Health and Safety Animals Plants Research and Science

NRCS Works with Partners to Help Endangered Dusky Gopher Frog

September 16, 2011 Julie Grogan-Brown, NRCS Office of the Chief

Recently I got an intimate tour of a longleaf pine forest, a rapidly vanishing Southeastern ecosystem that is home to one-of-a-kind wildlife. Longleaf pines once dominated the landscape of coastal Mississippi, but deforestation and urbanization have decreased both these forests and the unique plants...

Conservation Forestry Animals Plants

Dr. Brian McCluskey Discusses Serving as an APHIS Veterinarian for Over 20 Years

September 15, 2011 Dr. Brian McCluskey, APHIS Veterinary Services Chief Epidemiologist, Fort Collins, CO

I’m Brian McCluskey, Chief Epidemiologist for Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Veterinary Services. I’ve been with APHIS for more than 20 years and served in many different capacities. I decided to become a veterinarian during my junior year in college, as a way to combine my...

Animals Plants

APHIS Veterinarian Turns a Childhood Dream into Reality

September 08, 2011 Dr. Shanna Siegel, APHIS Veterinary Medical Officer, Georgia

Hi, I’m Dr. Shanna Siegel, a Veterinary Medical Officer with USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). I have been working for APHIS for the past 3 years on import and export matters here in Georgia. After finishing vet school I worked as a small animal practitioner in a semi-rural...

Animals Plants

What Can Outdoor Enthusiasts Do To Fight Invasive Species?

September 07, 2011 Joelle Hayden, Public Affairs Specialist, Riverdale, MD

I’m an avid camper. There’s nothing better than spending a week in the woods enjoying the calm and quiet beauty of nature. Food tastes best to me when it’s cooked over a campfire. And I want to make sure that I’ll always be able to go camping when I want to relax.

Initiatives Conservation Animals Plants

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