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Blog del USDA

Mostrando: 981 - 990 de 1442 Resultados

A Source of Hope, Investing in Prosperity

October 26, 2017 Anne Hazlett, Assistant to the Secretary for Rural Development

In the early 2000’s, shopping malls were often a pinnacle of growth and prosperity in rural America. In the recent years we’ve seen the decline of so many of these rural establishments. These shopping centers were once a sign of success in rural communities, but now sit, falling apart, as...


Tribal Colleges: Acknowledging the Past, Understanding the Present, and Aspiring to a Successful Future

October 25, 2017 Dr. Sonny Ramaswamy, Director, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Oct. 20, 1994, is an important milestone in our nation’s history in regards to equity in research, education, and extension. On that date, 29 tribal colleges, representing different histories, cultural orientations, and organizational structures, received land-grant university (LGU) status. Such LGU...

Research and Science

Serving Twice: Military Veteran Farmers Get a New Question in the Census of Agriculture

May 30, 2017 Lance Daugherty, USDA NASS Oklahoma Data Collection Center Coordinator, USAF Veteran, and Cattle Rancher

I am a rancher and a military veteran, in addition to being a data collection coordinator for USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). That makes me particularly passionate about one of the additions to this year’s Census of Agriculture: a question about military veteran status. All...

Farming Research and Science

Two NASS Surveys Critical for USDA Crop Programs for Farmers

November 29, 2016 David Knopf, National Agricultural Statistics Service, Eastern Mountain Region Director

When drought and flooding impact crop production, or even in a year with good yields, good data is crucial to the agriculture industry. USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) conducts more than 400 surveys each year. Two of our larger and more impactful surveys are the annual Row...


A New Day for Healthcare in Livingston, Montana

November 19, 2015 Janelle Gustafson, Acting State Director, Montana

When the first patient was admitted to the newly constructed Livingston HealthCare Hospital in late October, it marked a new era in state-of-the-art care for residents of Park County, Montana. The new critical care center boasts a Level IV Trauma Center with heli-pad, twenty-five beds, and 125,000...


USDA Programs Help Ease Transition to Farming, One Vet at a Time

November 10, 2015 Dr. Desiree Rucker, Program Specialist, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Division of Agricultural Systems

Located three miles east of Vale, South Dakota, on Cox Farms, Cox Sweet Corn is produced by veteran Kyle Cox, who left the Army after 12 years to return to the family farm. In 2013, Cox separated from the Army to begin his family’s future in agriculture. With 700 acres, the farm produces alfalfa...


UGA, Italy Develop Dual Graduate Degree Program

November 04, 2015 Scott Elliott, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

The world will have many more mouths to feed in the next few decades – projected to be more than 9 billion by 2050 – but the amount of arable land is not getting any larger, droughts are taking their toll on fresh water, and there are fewer experienced farmers to do the work. How will food get on...

Initiatives Conservation

A Look at Life in the Wildland Urban Interface

October 27, 2015 Jennifer Hayes and Jane Hodgins, US Forest Service

If I were to go running on my favorite trail on the west side of town and ask one of the homeowners, whose house abuts the natural area, to describe where they live, I am guessing they would first say Fort Collins, or maybe offer the name of their neighborhood, followed by “at the base of the...


Wisconsin Team Nutrition's Whipping Up Wellness, Wisconsin Student Chef Competition

October 20, 2015 Hans Billger, Public Affairs Specialist, Food and Nutrition Service

The Team Nutrition Training Grants are awarded as part of USDA's Team Nutrition initiative, which provides resources, training, and nutrition education lessons for schools and child care providers. And this year marks the 20th anniversary of the Team Nutrition initiative. Wisconsin Team Nutrition...

Food and Nutrition

Banishing the Honeybucket - Transformation in Lower Kalskag, Alaska

August 07, 2015 Vernita Dore, Acting Deputy Under Secretary, USDA Rural Development

Life is challenging in Lower Kalskag, Alaska. An isolated village only accessible by plane or boat, or an ice road in the winter, Lower Kalskag's 300 residents have no running water or toilets and pay four and five times the price for goods you and I take for granted. A third of the population lives...


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