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Blog del USDA

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USDA Celebrates 150 years of Campus and Community

June 27, 2012 Mary Conley, Communications Director, USDA Research, Education and Economics

At 11:00 am today, Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan, will be helping open the 2012 Smithsonian Folklife Festival, hosting visitors from around the world who will come to the Mall in Washington, D.C. for this annual event. The Department of Agriculture (USDA) is the only federal agency...

Research and Science

Hawaii Education Program Seeks to Increase STEM Education through Gardening

May 15, 2012 Jennifer Martin, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from the USDA's rich science and research portfolio. Many teachers use creative methods to keep their students engaged in the curriculum they are teaching. Some methods work...

Research and Science

Kick the Tires and Light the Fires

November 08, 2011 R. "Fitz" Fitzhenry, U.S. Forest Service, Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry

The Missouri “Fuels for Schools” projects, funded by Forest Service Recovery Act dollars, are converting aging heating machinery in six schools with woody biomass systems in and around the Ozarks.

Energy Forestry

AMS Releases Grain Transportation Data in Raw Format

October 11, 2011 Bruce Blanton, Director of Transportation Services Division

The United States proudly touts a long history of grain production and is the top exporter of grain in the world. Half of our wheat, almost 40 percent of soybeans and almost a fifth of our corn are exported. That’s why for over a decade the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service has been tracking and...

Food and Nutrition

Museum Recognizes Hunger in the South

October 03, 2011 Terri Romine-Ortega, USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Southwest Region, Public Affairs Specialist

I didn’t know there was a museum devoted to southern food until our regional administrator, Bill Ludwig, was notified that he had been selected to receive their inaugural Humanitarian Award for Public Service. The Southern Food & Beverage Museum is appropriately located in New Orleans, where food is...

Food and Nutrition

Northeast Kansas Community Celebrates Hospital Opening with Support of USDA Rural Development

July 14, 2011 Jessica Bowser, Kansas Public Information Coordinator

Several partners and more than 500 supporters attended the dedication and grand opening of the Community Memorial Healthcare Hospital in Marysville, Kan. Sultry conditions throughout the afternoon didn’t stop the community from celebrating its new state-of-the-art facility.


Campaign to Cut Waste: Fighting Fraud and Slashing Errors

June 20, 2011 Jeff Zients, Deputy Director for Management at the Office of Management and Budget.

Cross posted from the White House blog: Just days after the White House launch of the Campaign to Cut Waste, an Administration-wide initiative to crack down on unnecessary spending, two federal agencies announced new progress in fighting fraud and cracking down on improper payments. In a dose of bad...

USDA Results Food and Nutrition

Champions of Change: Moving Chefs to School in New Haven, Connecticut

May 06, 2011 Tim Cipriano, Executive Director of Food Services for New Haven Public Schools

Cross posted from the Let's Move! blog: Last week I had the wonderful opportunity to join 5 chefs from across the country, all of us being recognized as a Champion of Change. Working together as a team the six of us joined in a discussion with Under Secretary Kevin Concannon and Chef Sam Kass to...

Initiatives Food and Nutrition

In Mississippi, Merrigan Plants Seeds That Will Grow Young Minds

May 03, 2011 Ken Stribling, PIC for USDA RD in Mississippi

In a two-day span, Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Kathleen Merrigan may have changed the lives of up to 2,000 young Mississippians. Recently, Deputy Secretary Merrigan brought an outstanding presentation on the future of agriculture to the campuses of Mississippi’s two land grant universities...

Initiatives Rural

New Foreign Service Officers to Face Unique Challenges in Promoting U.S. Agriculture Abroad

February 23, 2011 Katie Gorscak, FAS Public Affairs, Washington, D.C,

This week, seven Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) employees were sworn in as Foreign Service Officers during a ceremony at USDA in Washington, D.C. This group of newly minted Foreign Service Officers will be posted in locales around the world, from Moscow to Brasilia, in their first positions in...


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