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Blog del USDA

Mostrando: 701 - 710 de 1442 Resultados

The Affordable Care Act Supports Small Business

January 19, 2011 Justin DeJong, Press Secretary, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Communications

Small businesses are the backbone of this country. They employ nearly half of the workers in rural America and are an integral part of the American economy. Today, Congress will vote on whether or not to repeal this new law, just as its benefits are beginning to reach rural Americans. Repeal of the...

USDA Results

Local Food Hub Brings It All Together

December 15, 2010 Luke Knowles, Assistant to the Under Secretary, Marketing and Regulatory Programs

A core component of any food hub is making sure that products can get from the farm to the table, a complex task involving perishable goods, cold storage, varying scales of supply and demand, and, of course, the occasional flat tire. A number of food hubs have taken this challenge on utilizing...

Food and Nutrition Farming

The Recovery Act in Your Community: Restoring Floodplains

October 07, 2010 Jody Christiansen, NRCS Illinois

In 2008, Illinois received an unprecedented amount of rainfall, which flooded thousands of acres of agricultural lands. Historically, much of this land was floodplains that held and drained water. But in the past century, over half of the floodplains in Illinois have been altered by levees, lock and...

Initiatives Conservation

Recovery Act, Helping Put Food on The Table

February 19, 2010

Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Kathleen Merrigan visited Road Runner Food Bank in Albuquerque, New Mexico today, where she took a tour of the facility and helped distribute USDA foods. Merrigan highlighted the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), and the ARRA funding that Road Runner...


Fighting for Family Farmers at Farm Aid 2009

September 07, 2009 acampbell

Family farmers from throughout the country descended into St. Louis over the weekend for the 24th annual Farm Aid Conference. Stars including Willie Nelson, Neil Young, John Mellencamp, and Dave Mathews were on hand to shine a spotlight on the struggles that small- and mid-sized farmers face.

Food and Nutrition Farming

Deadline Approaches to Register for Key Dairy Safety Net Program

May 14, 2018 Danielle Cooke, Farm Service Agency

Dairy producers have until June 1, 2018, to register for the new and improved Margin Protection Program for Dairy (MPP-Dairy), which provides protection to dairy producers from shifting milk and feed prices.


Deer Sign of the Times: Pellet Surveys Reveal Whitetail Abundance

April 14, 2015 Joshua Hanson, Allegheny National Forest, and Alex Royo, Research Ecologist, Northern Research Station

It’s a cool 37 degrees Fahrenheit as Alex Royo and I step out of the Forest Service truck and on to the muddy forest road. With the meteorologist calling for sun and a high of 66 degrees by lunchtime, I am already faced with the day’s toughest decision – do I keep my warm jacket on or leave it in...


Conservation Programs Help Nebraska Farmer Install, Improve Irrigation System

December 04, 2014 Morgan Rezac, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Nebraska

As a little girl, Mary Kay Lyon followed her father around their south central Nebraska farm always dreaming of one day owning the operation herself. Lyon left the farm to attend college, but eventually made it back home when her father retired, determined to run the family farm. “I wanted to farm...


Field Day Supports Organic Dairy Producers

October 17, 2014 Miles McEvoy, Deputy Administrator of the National Organic Program

Last month, I had the pleasure of attending the Northeast Organic Dairy Producers Alliance (NODPA) Field Days at Stonewall Farm in Keene, New Hampshire. The field days combine many activities for attending farmers, giving them the opportunity to learn from each other, speak with experts in the...

Conservation Food and Nutrition Farming

New International Wood Packaging Standard Stops Bugs Dead in their Tracks

June 10, 2014 Jane Hodgins, Northern Research Station, U.S. Forest Service

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from the USDA’s rich science and research portfolio. Wood makes great packaging material—it’s inexpensive, abundant and versatile—but there’s one drawback: destructive...

Forestry Research and Science Trade

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