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Blog del USDA

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NIFA-funded projects help improve quality of life in Indian Country

December 23, 2015 Brian K. Mabry, Communications Coordinator, Office of Communications

When the 1994 land-grant universities began to form there was a hint that something different and special was underway. The new land-grant system would teach in a cultural context that empowered students by drawing on the strength of their peoples’ history, indigenous knowledge, and traditions...

USDA Results Conservation

A Banner Year for Economic and Social Research: 5 Reports on Rural Communities and on Opportunities for Agriculture

December 11, 2015 Mary Bohman, Administrator, Economic Research Service

USDA scientists work 365 days to provide safe and sustainable food, water, and natural resources in the face of a changing climate and uncertain energy sources. To recognize the contribution that agricultural science and research makes in our daily lives, this week’s “Banner Year” series features...

USDA Results Food and Nutrition Trade

Rural Veterans, Thank You for Your Service

November 11, 2015 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

Today is Veterans Day, and I’d like to take a moment to honor the men and women of our military. Every day, they confront and triumph over those that threaten our national security in order to keep us safe. America’s veterans embody the values that stand at the heart of rural America: hard work, a...

USDA Results Initiatives Rural

Investing in Opportunity in Indian Country

November 05, 2015 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

USDA celebrates National Native American Heritage Month in November with a blog series focused on USDA’s support of Tribal Nations and highlighting a number of our efforts throughout Indian Country and Alaska. Follow along on the USDA blog. Earlier today, I met with leaders from the 566 federally...

USDA Results Initiatives Rural Technology

Speaking of Pumpkins

October 30, 2015 Hodan Farah Wells and Gustavo Ferreira, Economic Research Service

In the fall a person’s fancy often turns to thoughts of…pumpkins. The season is underway, from the ornamental pumpkins of Halloween to the pies that grace many tables at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Where do pumpkins come from? Though six States account for nearly half of U.S. production, pumpkins...

USDA Results Conservation

Closing the Gap on Food Safety

October 29, 2015 Ed Avalos, USDA Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs

From small, family farms to large food production companies, food safety is a top priority for the folks who feed our nation and put food on tables around the globe. Participating in programs like USDA’s Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), is one way that farmers and producers of all sizes can...

USDA Results Health and Safety

Expanding Insurance Availability Benefits More Producers

September 24, 2015 Brandon Willis, Risk Management Agency Administrator

Each year the nation’s farmers and ranchers confront tough business decisions, adverse weather, and harvesting challenges – striving to balance seasonal planning, as well as long-term planning for future generations. We recognize that producers’ needs shift over time, and the Risk Management Agency...

USDA Results Farming

August Reports Look into Farm Economy

August 18, 2015 Tony Dorn, Economics Section Head, National Agricultural Statistics Service

If you are interested in the farm economy, August is a great time of the year. Here at NASS, we start the month by putting out an analysis of farm production expenditures. In other words, how much does it cost to produce our foods, fuels, and fabrics. On the next day, we publish a report on the...

USDA Results Conservation

USDA Grain Inspectors Work to Uphold America's Reputation for Quality, Support New Markets

July 10, 2015 Elvis Cordova, Deputy Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs

As America’s leadership role in the global economy increases, shipments of American grain, oil seeds, and related agricultural products could continue expanding into promising markets in some of the world’s most robust economies. Facilitating the marketing of U.S. grain exports by thorough...

USDA Results Trade

USDA Program Helps High School Students Realize Ag Jobs are Everywhere

July 02, 2015 Lorenzo A. Tribbett, Agricultural Marketing Service Fruit and Vegetable Program Specialty Crops Inspection Division Director

Here at the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), one of the many benefits of creating marketing opportunities for ag businesses is seeing first-hand how the industry supports 1 in 12 jobs all over the country. In addition to feeding the world, the ag industry continues to be the strong...

USDA Results Conservation

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