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Planning Some Spring Cleaning? A Check List for a Food-Safe Pantry and Refrigerator

March 14, 2018 Clara Yuvienco, Food Safety Education Staff, Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA

The refrigerator and pantry are where most people store their food. But these storage areas may also be one of the less frequently cleaned places in your home, which could be hazardous to your health.

Health and Safety

End Game Strategies for Super Bowl Leftovers

February 01, 2018 Nirav Shah, Food Safety Education Staff, Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA

The game is over and your team WON, or maybe not. But two things remain after the game — friendly rivalries and lots of leftovers. There are some important rules you need to follow regarding Super Bowl Party leftovers to ensure your loved ones don’t get foodborne illnesses after the game.

Health and Safety

Don’t Let the End Zone Become the Danger Zone: Your Guide to Hosting a Penalty-Free Super Bowl Party

January 30, 2018 Meredith Carothers, Food Safety Education Intern, Food Safety and Inspection Service

It’s time for the big game, which also means it’s time to host your friends for your annual Super Bowl party! And where there’s a Super Bowl viewing party, there’s also plenty of food. By following these food safety rules from our game-winning playbook, you’ll provide the best defense to avoid...

Health and Safety

Holiday Leftovers? We’ve Got You Covered!

December 26, 2017 Marianne Gravely, MS, Senior Technical Information Specialist, Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA

All good things must come to an end, including the holidays. But leftovers from your holiday celebrations can help stretch out your holiday cheer.

Health and Safety

Holiday Silver Lining: Avoiding Foodborne Illnesses While Traveling with Food

December 18, 2017 Janice López-Muñoz, BS, MSIH, Public Affairs Specialist, Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA

As if the winter holidays are not enough stress, between making your gift list, shopping for gifts and deciding which party to attend, some of us add holiday travel to our to-do lists. Immediately following the decision to visit relative or friends for the holidays comes the big question — what food...

Health and Safety

Don’t Get Roasted by Foodborne Illnesses this Winter

December 13, 2017 Janice López-Muñoz, BS, MSIH, Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA

The holidays are all about sharing, having fun and, of course…food!!! I bet you will agree that a good holiday get-together always includes delicious traditional dishes or special recipes.

Health and Safety

Time Management: The Key to a Food Safe Holiday

December 06, 2017 Marianne Gravely, MS, Senior Technical Information Specialist, Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA

The holiday season is a prized time; it’s that festive season that seems to be here before you know it, and you wonder how you will find the time to do everything you need to do to celebrate properly with family and friends. The holidays are also when we share favorite, treasured foods with our...

Health and Safety

Five Tips So You Don’t Miss the Big Deals With Bad Black Friday Leftovers

November 24, 2017 Tanya Brown, FSIS Public Affairs Specialist

It’s the day after Thanksgiving and all through the streets, 154 million consumers are moving their feet. All aim to get the best deal of the day, whether flat screens, jewelry or a 4K Blu-ray.

Health and Safety

Tips and Resources for a Bacteria-Free Thanksgiving

November 16, 2017 Tanya Brown, FSIS Public Affairs Specialist

More than 46 million turkeys are eaten on Thanksgiving Day and with the never-ending list of side dishes and desserts, it is by far the largest and most stressful meal many consumers prepare all year, leaving room for mistakes that can make guests sick.

Health and Safety

You’ve Got the Right Stuff(ing)! Tips to Handle Stuffing With Care

November 16, 2017 Archie Magoulas, FSIS Technical Information Specialist

Stuffing is a big favorite around the Thanksgiving holiday. Although it is delicious, covered with gravy and mixed with slices of moist turkey, this side dish can also be dangerous. Because moist, warm stuffing is an excellent medium for bacterial growth, it's important to handle it safely and cook...

Health and Safety

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