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Organic Sound and Sensible Resources: Expanding Organic Education through Others

February 04, 2016 Miles McEvoy, Deputy Administrator of the National Organic Program

The USDA Agricultural Marketing Service’s National Organic Program (NOP) is continuing to launch new resources resulting from our Sound and Sensible Initiative, which is making organic certification more accessible, affordable, and attainable. Today, we are launching resources that help those who...

Conservation Food and Nutrition Farming

SBIR Grantee's Response to Killer Beetles: SPLAT!

February 03, 2016 Scott Elliott, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program at USDA offers competitively awarded grants to qualified small businesses to support high quality, advanced concepts research related to important scientific problems and opportunities in agriculture that could lead to significant public benefits...

Conservation Research and Science

A Home for the Backbone of California Agriculture

January 22, 2016 Janice Waddell, USDA Rural Development California State Director

California and agriculture go hand in hand; it’s hard to talk about one without mentioning the other. Similarly, we can’t talk about our farmers and ranchers and not mention the farm workers – the backbone of California’s agriculture industry. Eduardo Jaramillo has spent much of his life working in...


Organic Sound and Sensible Resources: Understanding Rules, Certification, and Inspections

January 06, 2016 Miles McEvoy, Deputy Administrator of the National Organic Program

Last month, the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service’s National Organic Program (NOP) announced new resources resulting from our Sound and Sensible Initiative, which is making organic certification more accessible, affordable, and attainable. Today, we are introducing more guides, videos, and other...

USDA Results Food and Nutrition Farming Trade

High Five Series: Rural America is Home for the Holidays

December 31, 2015 Rural Housing Service Administrator Tony Hernandez

Oh, there’s nooooo place like hooooome for the holidays… Every time I hear that song I get an extra spring in my step knowing that I work for an organization that helped more than 160,000 families afford to buy, rent, or repair their homes this year. That’s 160,000 families in rural America that are...


2015: A Banner Year for School Meals and the Health of our Nation's Schoolchildren

December 29, 2015 Hans Billger, Public Affairs Specialist, Food and Nutrition Service

It’s been another outstanding year for healthier school meals programs and the millions of American students that benefit from them. Today, more than 97 percent of schools nationwide report they are meeting the updated school meal standards, which are based on pediatricians’ and nutritionists’...

Food and Nutrition

Deck the Halls with Holiday Data

December 17, 2015 Daphne Schauber, NASS Agricultural Statistician

From the smell of fresh pine, to the vibrant colors of poinsettias, the holiday season is the perfect time of year to spotlight America’s horticulture growers through the just released 2014 Census of Horticultural Specialties report. I’ve experienced firsthand how unique and amazing this industry is...


Protecting Sage Grouse for Future Generations... One Seed at a Time

December 14, 2015 Jane Knowlton, U.S. Forest Service

The need for food and shelter for wildlife to survive is basic, particularly for sage grouse living in a post-wildfire landscape in western states. The U.S. Forest Service is helping this upland game bird survive by growing about 3 million sagebrush shrubs a year to restore the area’s dry, grassy...


Partnering with Farmers and Ranchers to Address Climate Change and Food Security Challenges

December 01, 2015 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

As world leaders gather in Paris this week to negotiate a new global climate agreement, it is important to recognize the contributions of farmers, ranchers and foresters in the United States towards achieving a more food secure world while adapting to climate change, increasing carbon sequestration...

Food and Nutrition

New Handbook Highlights Resources for Conservation on Organic Farms

November 19, 2015 Ben Bowell and Lindsay Haines, Natural Resources Conservation Service

Consumer demand for organic products continues to grow. The Organic Trade Association that represents more than 8,500 organic businesses across 50 states reports that demand for organic products exceeded $39 billion in 2014. To meet that demand, more farmers and ranchers are pursuing organic...

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