Importing Goods
USDA offers import programs to help American agricultural producers compete against the world market.
USDA offers import programs to help American agricultural producers compete against the world market.
USDA provides comprehensive import, trade data, and forecasting research and reports. Users can utilize the numerous databases to search by product or country.
Critical Resources
While foreign regulatory systems need not be identical to the U.S. system, they must employ equivalent sanitary and health measures that provide the same level of protection achieved domestically for imported goods.
Learn More
Sugar Import Program
Imports of sugar into the United States are governed by tariff-rate quotas (TRQs), which allow a certain quantity of sugar to enter the country under a low tariff. TRQs apply to imports of raw cane sugar, refined sugar, sugar syrups, specialty sugars and sugar-containing products. TEST
Dairy Import Licensing Program
Import licensing is one of the tools USDA uses to administer the tariff-rate quota (TRQ) system for U.S. imports of dairy products. For dairy products subject to TRQs, importers are generally required to obtain a license from FAS to take advantage of low-tier tariff rate.
Livestock and Poultry Program
The AMS Livestock and Poultry Program (L&P) empowers American farmers and businesses through services that add value and create demand for livestock, poultry, meat, fish, feedstuffs and related products, while ensuring buyers understand the quality of product they purchase.