Wetlands and Habitats

These markets are often driven by regulatory programs such as Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, or the Endangered Species Act, though they may also be voluntary. Below are links to resources and information about these markets.
Biodiversity and Habitat Market Resources
Measuring Up
The Willamette Partnership developed this report to focus on two areas of action that could help improve effective investments for biodiversity: 1) Standardizing systems for measuring the outcomes of programs, and 2) Providing options for how federal agencies and others might support biodiversity incentives, including markets.
Biodiversity and Habitat Markets: Policy, Economic, and Ecological Implications of Market-Based Conservation
This U.S. Geological Survey report explores the policy context, structure, ecological effectiveness, and tools associated with market-based mechanisms for biodiversity and habitat conservation.
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Conservation Banking
This site provides information on conservation banking as it relates to the Endangered Species Act. Find information on Habitat Conservation Plans, existing conservation banks, recovery credits, and more.
Biodiversity and Habitat Market Tools
Regulatory In-lieu Fee and Bank Information Tracking System (RIBITS)
A national registry hosted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to house wetland and conservation banking data.
Federal Highway Administration Endangered Species Act Webtool
The ESA Webtool is an online tool to streamline preparation of Biological Assessments (BAs) and the consultation process under Section 7 of the Federal Endangered Species Act for projects where the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is the lead federal action agency.
USFWS IPaC Information for Planning and Consultation Tool
IPaC is a project planning tool which streamlines the USFWS environmental review process.
USFWS Recovery Online Activity Reporting System (ROAR)
ROAR is a tool to search and view species recovery plans.
Wetland Market Resources
EPA Wetland Mitigation Banking Factsheet
This EPA site provides background and general information on what a mitigation bank is, how mitigation banks are established, and the benefits and status of mitigation banking.
Implementing Financial Assurance for Mitigation Project Success
Implementing financial assurances for mitigation project success can be challenging and place demands on regulators outside their regular areas of practice and expertise. The Institute for Water Resources prepared this white paper to provide a reference resource for Corps district staff involved with overseeing financial assurances.
2008 Compensatory Mitigation Rule
In 2008, EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, through a joint rulemaking, expanded the 404(b)(1) Guidelines to include comprehensive standards for all three mechanisms for providing compensatory mitigation.
Environmental Law Institute—Compensatory Mitigation Research
The Environmental Law Institute conducts detailed research to evaluate compensatory mitigation required to offset adverse impacts to wetlands.
Wetland Market Tools
Regulatory In-lieu Fee and Bank Information Tracking System (RIBITS)
A national registry hosted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to wetland and conservation banking data.