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Showing: 1111 - 1120 of 8103 Results

Reflections on My First Trip to the School Nutrition Association Conference

August 08, 2018 Brandon Lipps, Acting Deputy Under Secretary, USDA’s Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services

My mother has a jar in her kitchen with the phrase, “Cooking is love made visible.” I can say for a fact that her food spreads a lot of love, and I think the same could be said about school food service professionals.

Food and Nutrition

Employing Wheat's Bacterial Partners to Fight a Pathogen

August 07, 2018 Briana K. Whitaker, Indiana University Graduate Student and ARS Intern

Fusarium head blight is a devastating fungal disease affecting wheat and barley crops worldwide. According to the American Phytopathological Society, this disease has cost U.S. wheat and barley farmers more than $3 billion since 1990. Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists, together with...

Research and Science

Weeds, Trees, and Property Lines and Good Neighbors

August 03, 2018 Larry Moore, Office of Communication, USDA Forest Service

I once lived in a home where fighting lawn weeds seemed a never-ending task. This was a new housing development. Pickets tied with bits of pink ribbon still clearly showed where our property began and ended, and they were handy for helping me determine where I could put in my fence and where I could...


Get Kids Excited About Healthy Habits This Summer with

August 02, 2018 the Staff, National Agricultural Library

Summer is a great time for kids to get outside and be physically active. But for those days that are spent indoors,’s Children section has solutions to keep children busy and encourage healthy lifestyle habits.

Food and Nutrition Research and Science

USDA Becoming More Data-Driven, Customer-Focused Organization

August 02, 2018 Ted Kaouk, Chief of Staff, USDA’s Office of the Chief Information Officer

USDA has committed to becoming a facts-based, data-driven, customer-focused organization. One of the Department’s two Agency Priority Goals (APGs) for FY18-19 is to develop the USDA Chief Executive Officer (CXO) Dashboards, which integrate data from systems spanning the agency’s 29 agencies and...


Our Resilient Communities: My Experience as a Wallace-Carver Fellow

August 01, 2018 Priyanka K. Naithani, USDA

The face of poverty has often been associated with the starving child in the slums of New Delhi, India or streets of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. While this is the reality for many children across the developing world, rural and urban poverty is often overlooked in developed countries, such as the United...

Food and Nutrition Initiatives

Agriculture Surveys Get More Convenient through Improved Online Response Form

July 31, 2018 Barbara Rater, Census and Survey Division Director, National Agricultural Statistics Service

Agricultural surveys for farmers and ranchers will be easier to complete with the help of a new online questionnaire. We have been working to help our customers – the American farmer and rancher – have a faster, friendlier, and easier experience responding to surveys, which are the backbone of...

Research and Science

New Revenue Option for Ag Producers to Yield Attractive Returns

July 26, 2018 Lindsay White and Michelle Banks, NRCS

Oregon ranchers Dan and Suzy Probert grow cattle and healthy soil. And with the help of Farm Bill programs, they’re protecting the Lightning Creek Ranch from development as well as finding new revenue options like carbon trading markets.


What Drives Consumers to Purchase Convenience Foods?

July 24, 2018 Ilya Rahkovsky, Young Jo, and Andrea Carlson, Food Economics Division, Economic Research Service

Many Americans lead busy lives and don’t have a lot of time to prepare food for their families. Faced with greater time constraints from work, childcare, and commuting, they often turn to convenience foods. Convenience foods are defined as types of foods that save time in food acquisition...

Research and Science

Before These Caterpillars Become Moths, They Unite to Destroy Forests

July 23, 2018 Tom Coleman, Forest Health Protection, USDA Forest Service

A caterpillar that’s been rarely observed in the wild is about to join with another species of inch worms to wreak destruction upon two national forests in New Mexico. The culprit, called Janet’s looper caterpillar, feeds on the needles of high-elevation fir and spruce trees, but this insect has...



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