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South Dakota Producers Work with USDA to Recover From Flooding

July 26, 2013 Joseph L. Schultz, Charles Mix County Farm Service Agency Executive Director and Christine Sorensen, Rural Development Coordinator

Two years after the Missouri River flooding of 2011, several Charles Mix County, S.D. producers are still working to get their flooded crop land back to full production. When the flood waters receded in the fall of 2011 portions of the river bottom crop land were covered with one to six feet of sand...

Conservation Rural

USDA, Helping Small Rural Businesses Grow and Create Jobs

July 23, 2013 Rural Business and Cooperative Service Administrator, Lillian Salerno

Last month, I joined Secretary Vilsack in announcing National Small Business Week on behalf of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Louisiana. In support of rural small businesses, USDA announced several funding opportunities across the country for business owners to increase their capacity to hire...


Oh the Meals You Can Make With USDA Foods and Some Creativity

July 18, 2013 Dave Tuckwiller, AMS Commodity Procurement Program Director

“Creativity is contagious, pass it on.” These words, spoken by Albert Einstein, can hold true for anything. USDA’s Commodity Procurement Program enjoys seeing schools and other organizations develop creative, healthy meals featuring foods we purchase for federal feeding programs. We hope that...

Food and Nutrition

StrikeForce in Action with Nevada's Native American Tribes

July 17, 2013 Leslie Wheelock, Director, USDA Office of Tribal Relations

Earlier this summer, I had the opportunity to participate in the National Congress of American Indian’s (NCAI) mid-year meeting in Reno, Nevada. The NCAI meeting was a warm and familiar place for me, as I recently left a position as NCAI’s Director of Economic Development to assume my current...


FAS Helps Small Biz Find 'Out of This World' Success

July 12, 2013 Erin Tindell, Foreign Agricultural Service Public Affairs Specialist

When the astronauts aboard the International Space Station received a shipment of food recently, it included jam from a company called Stonewall Kitchen. Jonathan King and Jim Stott started selling their homemade jams from a folding table at a local farmers’ market in Maine in 1991. Today, their...


Secretary's Column: The Benefits of a Climate Action Plan for Rural America

July 05, 2013 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

This week, folks across the nation have come together with family and friends to celebrate America’s independence – and millions are enjoying the great outdoors. That’s why this is an appropriate time to remember that we must protect America’s natural treasures for generations to come. A changing...

Conservation Energy

NRCS Helps with Reforestation Efforts on a Scarred Tribal Landscape

June 18, 2013 Beverly Moseley, NRCS

From the top of Limestone Ridge, 6,000 feet up, the scars of a massive wildfire on Arizona’s White Mountain Apache Reservation in east central Arizona are still visible. As far as the eye can see are bare mountain ranges where century-old ponderosa pines once stood. A decade ago, the Rodeo-Chediski...

Conservation Forestry

Secretary's Column: Creating Modern Solutions to Environmental Challenges

June 07, 2013 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

Our farmers and ranchers are the most productive on earth, largely due to their innovation and their ability to adapt to new challenges. As new threats emerge for American agriculture, USDA will be there to provide assistance – and this week, we announced new steps to help producers create solutions...

Conservation Forestry

Responding to the Challenges of the U.S. Sheep and Lamb Industry

May 09, 2013 Edward Avalos, Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs

The U.S. sheep and lamb industry has been shrinking for decades as the numbers of sheep and producers have declined since World War II. Consolidation of the sheep packing industry, higher feed and energy costs, continuous loses to predation, and lower consumption, coupled with competition from...

Health and Safety Animals Plants

It's Not Small Potatoes for Them

March 21, 2013 Dave Tuckwiller, AMS Commodity Procurement Director

An opportunity to reach a new market is a big deal for any company, but this is especially true when it comes to our nation’s 23 million small businesses. In their search to reach new markets, they not only compete against each other they also compete with larger establishments. To help them meet...

USDA Results Food and Nutrition
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