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Alaska Growers Net Many Benefits from Seasonal High Tunnel

December 24, 2013 Dave Ianson, Palmer (Alaska) Soil and Water Conservation District

Seasonal high tunnels have lots of benefits, especially in a state like Alaska where cold weather leaves a short growing season. They are incredible garden heaters, season extenders and profit generating machines for Alaska growers. Seasonal high tunnels allow farmers like Alex and Kelly Strawn in...

Conservation Food and Nutrition Farming

Choosing the Best of ERS's 2013 Popular Charts of Note

December 23, 2013 Mary Bohman, Administrator, Economic Research Service

Did you know… …that small family farms account for most U.S. farms and for a majority of farm assets? …that nonmetro areas declined in population--perhaps for the first time--in 2011-12? …or that the inflation-adjusted value of SNAP benefits declined from 2009 to 2011?


Secretary's Column: A New Farm Bill to Carry On America's Record Agricultural Trade

December 20, 2013 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

Over the course of 2013, we’ve seen yet another banner year for U.S. agricultural exports. Exports of U.S. farm and ranch products reached a record $140.9 billion in 2013 and supported about a million U.S. jobs. In fact, compared to the previous five-year period from 2004-2008, U.S. agricultural...

USDA Results Conservation Trade

Organic 101: Organic Trade Basics

December 20, 2013 Miles McEvoy, Deputy Administrator of the National Organic Program

This is the fourteenth installment of the Organic 101 series that explores different aspects of the USDA organic regulations. Are you a certified organic operation looking to increase your market presence? USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) recently published two fact sheets that explain...

Food and Nutrition Trade

What Will Become of Your Forest Land When You are Gone?

December 19, 2013 Zoe Hoyle, Southern Research Station, U.S. Forest Service

Family forest owners may use consulting foresters or state extension foresters for advice on the technical details of land management, but many owners shy away from thinking about how best to pass their forest on to the next generation. Poor estate planning – or no planning at all – can result in a...


StrikeForce Helps S.C. Family Protect & Preserve Forest Land

December 19, 2013 Amy Overstreet, Natural Resources Conservation Service, South Carolina

The soil in Marlboro County, S.C. is known to be fertile, and legend has it that the land was once so productive it was sold by the pound instead of the acre. In this agricultural oasis, brothers Oliver and Martin Smith are continuing the farming tradition that has been in their family for three...


A One-Stop Shop for Organics, with Lots in Store

December 18, 2013 Mark Lipson, USDA Organic Policy Advisor

As an organic farmer, I know how frustrating it can be to search the internet for information that might help my operation. It might be there somewhere but finding it takes precious time, especially if I don’t know exactly what I’m looking for. Now, USDA has solved part of that problem with a...

Conservation USDA Results Food and Nutrition Farming Trade

Discover the Cover: Farmers Realize Benefits, Challenges of Soil-Improving Cover Crops

December 17, 2013 Ron Nichols, Natural Resources Conservation Service

A growing number of farmers throughout the nation have “discovered the cover” — and for some very good reasons. They’re recognizing that by using cover crops and diverse rotations, it’s possible to actually improve the health and function of their soil, said David Lamm, a soil health expert with...


Science that Sells

December 17, 2013 Ruihong Guo, Deputy Administrator, AMS Science and Technology Program

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from USDA's rich science and research portfolio. Agriculture is key to any nation’s success. American farmers continue to be more innovative and productive, providing...

Research and Science Trade

The Faces of Agriculture - A Glimpse of What the Farm Bill Means to Our Nation

December 16, 2013 Ed Avalos, Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs

A life of farming—whether you grow up in it or are called to it later in life—takes a special kind of commitment and sense of responsibility. The reward is just as unique and appeals only to a handful of people who are willing to literally roll up their sleeves and work hard at a physically- and...

USDA Results Conservation Food and Nutrition
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