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StrikeForce Partnership Fighting Hunger in Virginia

June 27, 2013 Vernon Orrell, Assistant to the State Director/Virginia State Office Rural Development

USDA in Virginia is forging partnerships this summer to ensure that low-income children continue to receive nutritious meals when school is not in session. Under the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) based program, free, nutritious meals are provided to all kids 18 years old and under at approved...

Food and Nutrition Rural

National SFSP Kick-Off Takes Place in the District of Columbia

June 21, 2013 Patricia Dombroski, FNS Mid Atlantic Regional Administrator

Last week Washington DC held a great kickoff event for the summer food service program (SFSP) and I was happy to join in. SFSP is a critical program that keeps kids from going hungry during the summer months and the District is the best out of all the 50 states and territories at getting...

Food and Nutrition

USDA Needs Your Help To Keep Kids From Going Hungry This Summer

June 10, 2013 Kevin Concannon, FNCS Under Secretary

The summer months are here. Families are making plans for vacations and leisure time spent at the local pool or beach. But for many parents and caregivers, summer is also a time of anxiety as they wonder if they’ll be able to put enough food on the table without school lunch and breakfast to...

Food and Nutrition

Connecting Healthcare and Nutrition through the Summer Food Service Program

May 20, 2013 Tony Craddock, Jr., Food and Nutrition Service, Program Assistant

"Two is better than one." Holding true to this timeless adage, the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) is teaming up with the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to expand the reach of the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). FNS strives to increase food security and reduce hunger by...

Food and Nutrition

Working Together to Prevent Summer Hunger

April 16, 2013 Kevin Concannon, Under Secretary, Food Nutrition and Consumer Services

Making sure children have nutritious meals and keep their bodies moving all year long is one of USDA’s most important missions. Our Summer Food Service Program plays an important role in ensuring that all children get healthy meals during the summertime. We’re proud to say that in 2012, our partners...

Food and Nutrition

Interested in Feeding Kids this Summer When School is Out? Join Our Twitter Chat Using #SummerMeals!

April 11, 2013 Jimmy Nguyen, Program Analyst, FNS Office of Strategic Initiatives, Partnerships, and Outreach

Want to help feed kids when school gets out? The USDA is hosting a "Help Serve #SummerMeals This Year" Twitter Town Hall this Friday, April 12, 2013 at 3:00 pm EST to inform and inspire organizations across the country to become a summer meal site when school lets out this year. The Twitter Town...

Food and Nutrition

Join Our Webinars To Find Out How You Can Help Feed Kids During the Summer

March 01, 2013 Tony Craddock, Jr., Program Assistant, USDA Food and Nutrition Service

Children need good nutrition all year long. When school is out during the summer months, many children no longer have access to even one nutritious meal each day. Research shows a lack of nutrition during the summer months may set up a cycle for poor performance once school begins. We must do all we...

Food and Nutrition

Food That’s in When School is Out

August 14, 2012 Penny Weaver, Campaigns and Partnerships Specialist, USDA Food and Nutrition Service

On a sunny July afternoon, a long line of students, ranging in ages from 4-18, listened eagerly as Boston Mayor Thomas Menino and representatives from USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) and Boston Public School System kicked off for the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). Cafeteria staff from...

Food and Nutrition

From Food Trucks to Text Messages – Fighting Hunger in New York City

July 27, 2012 Rebecca Dresner, Northeastern Regional Intern, USDA Food and Nutrition Service

For most children, summertime means school vacation, family trips and beach days, but for many, it also means losing the two free or reduced-price meals provided at school.

Food and Nutrition

Summer Food Service Program Fills Need at Healing Waters Center in Colorado

June 25, 2012 Kevin Concannon
Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services

As part of the national Summer Food Service Program Kickoff (SFSP) Week June 11-15, I was in Denver, Colorado, and visited two great Colorado SFSP sites. One of those sites was in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, just west of downtown Denver. Healing Waters Family Center has a 90 percent Hispanic congregation...

Food and Nutrition Health and Safety Initiatives
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