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Calling on Communities to Help Feed Children in Need

June 09, 2014 Melissa Rogers, Executive Director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships and Norah Deluhery, Director of USDA's Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships

Cross-posted from the White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships blog: With summer’s arrival, officials at the White House and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) are preparing for the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). This program ensures that low-income children...

Food and Nutrition Initiatives

USDA, Partners Gearing Up for Summer Meal Service

March 27, 2014 Kevin Concannon, USDA Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services

Last week, about 250 Ohio lawmakers, educators, nonprofit directors, community leaders and others came together at the Mid-Ohio Foodbank for the third annual statewide Summer Food Service Summit. The focus of this summit was USDA’s Summer Food Service Program, as efforts are ramping up to ensure...

Food and Nutrition

Summer Food for Children Demonstration Projects: Finding New Ways to End Childhood Hunger

March 19, 2014 Audrey Rowe, USDA Food and Nutrition Service Administrator

When school lets out, millions of children look forward to camps, pools, and blockbuster movies. However, many children will also experience hunger. When school is in session, low-income students receive free or reduced-price school meals that help families stretch their food budget. When the school...

Food and Nutrition

Child Hunger and the Importance of Keeping Our Communities Healthy and Strong

March 07, 2014 Jackie Haven, MS, RD, Acting Executive Director, USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion

During March, National Nutrition Month ®, USDA will highlight various nutrition topics that are near and dear to our hearts. We don’t work on these issues alone however. This guest blog post acknowledges one USDA National Strategic Partner , Feeding America , for the outstanding work they do to...

Food and Nutrition

Philadelphia Fights Hunger Through Academic, Faith and Community Partnerships

October 31, 2013 Melissa Rogers, Executive Director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships

The City of Brotherly Love puts its motto into practice. I saw this firsthand when I travelled to Philadelphia to meet with a network of community leaders who partner with USDA through its Summer Food Service Program. With this program, USDA subsidizes nutritious summer lunches for students who need...

Food and Nutrition

Colorado Partners Unite to Fight Summer Hunger

August 19, 2013 Budhiraja, Anjali, Mountain Plains Region Public Affairs Specialist, Food and Nutrition Service, USDA

Colfax Avenue in Denver, Colorado, is known for its diversity of businesses and residents. It is home to establishments ranging from upscale restaurants to motels housing low-income and homeless families. However, the upscale scene doesn’t tell the whole story. Within a two-mile stretch of Colfax...

Food and Nutrition

Historically Black Colleges and Universities Help Feed Kids During the Summer

August 07, 2013 Don Arnette, Regional Administrator, USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Southeast Region

Although about 21 million children nationwide receive free and reduced-priced meals through our National School Lunch Program, only about 3.5 million meals are served through the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) on a typical day. Closing this gap and ensuring that disadvantaged children do not go...

Food and Nutrition

Serving Summer Meals Requires Hard Work and a Big Heart

July 25, 2013 Terri Romine-Ortega, USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Southwest Region public affairs specialist

As a public affairs specialist, promoting and publishing information about federal nutrition assistance programs to partners, media and the public is a key part of the job. But I don’t often get to see the real day-to-day operation of these programs. I have attended summer program kick-off events...

Food and Nutrition

Summer Harvests Can Turn Into Summer Meals for Kids

July 23, 2013 Deborah Kane, National Director, USDA Farm to School Program

Summer is the season when harvests of healthful foods are most abundant: gardens overflow with zucchini and berries, trees are laden with sweet, ripe fruit, and farmers tend and harvest crops from dawn until dusk. Despite the seasonal abundance, many children go hungry when school is out and the...

Food and Nutrition Farming

Summer Meals in California Promote Health and Education

July 03, 2013 Jesus Mendoza, Jr., Acting Western Regional Administrator of the USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Western Region

On the grounds of Valley Hi-North Laguna Library in Sacramento, California, upwards of 150 children participated in the California Summer Meals kickoff event hosted by the California Summer Meal Coalition, Sacramento Public Library, and the Elk Grove Unified School District. USDA’s Summer Food...

Food and Nutrition
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