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Nominate an Anti-Hunger Champion working at Home or Abroad

Hunger is not an abstract idea. It is a reality affecting the lives of millions of Americans every single day. And it hits our children particularly hard, with over 16 million kids in our country experiencing food insecurity each year. Internationally, nearly 1 billion people across the globe will go to bed hungry tonight and 200 million of them are children.  We can all play a role within our communities to ensure that no man, woman, or child faces hunger.

USDA Housing Administrator Visits Nevada Families as they Build Their Own Homes

June is homownership month and you could say the Nevada heat drove everyone under the tent together. With mercury touching 103 degrees, the tent at the Color Country Self-Help Housing development in Mesquite, Nevada, was a good source of shade, but it could not chill the sense of pride and excitement that pulsed through the crowd.

El Yunque National Forest: U.S. Forest Service Works to Address Urban Expansion

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from USDA’s rich science and research portfolio.

El Yunque National Forest in Puerto Rico is unique for the U.S. Forest Service. At 28,000 acres, it’s the smallest national forest and the only tropical rain forest managed by the Forest Service, boasting the greatest biodiversity among national forests.

Sazón y Salud: Goya apoya al programa nutricional MiPlato

Goya, la compañía hispana de comida más grande en los Estados Unidos, es parte de la campaña de la Primera Dama Michelle Obama ¡A Moverse! (Let’s Move!) la cual está enfocada en motivar a los padres de familia a tener una vida saludable para ellos y sus familias.  Al asociarse con el nuevo ícono MiPlato del Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos, diferentes compañías recuerdan a sus consumidores sobre la importancia de crear platos balanceados y nutritivos durante las comidas. Goya, un asociado nacional estratégico, apoya MiPlato al promover mensajes que instruyan e incentiven a familias a tener una dieta balanceada.  Al asociarse con la iniciativa  ¡A Moverse!  y con el USDA, Goya se ha comprometido a proveer al público varias herramientas para mejorar su salud.

Para apoyar a la iniciativa de la Primera Dama, Goya ha creado una gran cantidad de recursos para combatir la obesidad infantil.  Goya ha producido un folleto en inglés y español con seis recetas nutritivas, diez consejos de cómo crear una comida balanceada, y un cupón para frijoles con un bajo contenido de sodio que está siendo distribuido organizaciones asociadas con el programa A Moverse: Iglesias y Comunidades (Let’s Move Faith and Communities) a través de la nación.  La Dr. Luz Myriam Neira, Directora de Nutrición del Banco de Comida de  San Antonio,  dijo que “los folletos fueron tan bien recibidos por participantes del programa de SNAP/Ed”, que su organización va a usar la versión electrónica del folleto, sin el cupón, para satisfacer la demanda de recetas nutritivas y consejos de salud. Este banco de comida también está trabajando con una cadena de supermercados local para utilizar los materiales de Goya en sus esfuerzos de educación nutricional.

Being All You Can Bean with Goya

Goya, the largest Hispanic-owned food company in the United States, is part of the First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! movement to empower parents to make healthy choices for themselves and their families.  It is partnering with USDA’s new icon, MyPlate/MiPlato, that reminds consumers to build healthy plates at meal times.  As a national strategic partner, Goya is promoting the messages that support MyPlate and MiPlato to educate and encourage families to consume a well-balanced diet.  By teaming up with Let’s Move! and USDA, Goya has committed to provide people with several tools to improve their health.

In support of the First Lady’s initiative, Goya created an army of resources to help fight childhood obesity.  Goya has produced a brochure in both English and Spanish with six healthy recipes, ten tips on how to create a well-balanced plate, and a coupon for low sodium beans is being distributed to several Let’s Move Faith and Communities partners around the country.  Dr. Luz Myriam Neira, Director of Nutrition at the San Antonio Food Bank, said “the booklets were so well received by SNAP/Ed participants” that she will be using an electronic version of the booklet, sans coupon, to meet the demand for helpful recipes and tips. They are also working with a local grocery chain using these materials in their nutrition education efforts.  

USDA Highlights Efforts to Give Tribes the Tools to Improve Basic Services

When you woke up this morning, chances are you turned on a light, took a shower in your bathroom, brushed your teeth with running water and checked the Internet. For too many people in Indian Country, this simple daily process is currently unattainable. Services most Americans take for granted are not always available in Indian Country.

Last week, I joined other USDA officials in attending the National Congress of American Indians Convention in Lincoln, Nebraska. I discussed all of the remarkable progress that USDA and Secretary Vilsack have made when it comes to supporting Native Americans, especially those who live on reservations or trust areas.

USDA RD helps A Small Arizona Town Improve Street Safety

A construction worker at the curb and gutter project in the Yaqui community of Guadalupe, Arizona. The project was funded in part with a Rural Development Community Facilities grant.

There is something sweet and quaint about the small town of Guadalupe, Arizona.

The 5,000 plus residents are mostly descendants of the original Yaqui Indian/Mexican settlers—many of whom migrated from the south in the early 1920s for construction work on the canals being built within the Salt River Valley.

Programa de Servicios de Alimentos de Verano Cubre Necesidades en el Centro Healing Waters en Colorado

Siendo partícipe en la inauguración de la semana nacional dedicada al Programa de Alimentos de Verano (SFSP, por sus siglas en inglés) que se llevo a cabo del 11 al 15 de Junio, estuve en Denver, Colorado, donde visité dos centros de comida estupendos.

Summer Food Service Program Fills Need at Healing Waters Center in Colorado

As part of the national Summer Food Service Program Kickoff (SFSP) Week June 11-15, I was in Denver, Colorado, and visited two great Colorado SFSP sites.

One of those sites was in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, just west of downtown Denver.  Healing Waters Family Center has a 90 percent Hispanic congregation.  Last summer, after participating in a webinar co-sponsored by USDA and the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC), Healing Waters became an SFSP sponsor for the first time and had a very positive experience.