Most Frequently Used USDA Acronyms
Here are some common acronyms and terms used at USDA. While not complete or comprehensive, we will be adding more items periodically.
- Acronyms
- ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act
- ADAA: Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act
- AMS: Agricultural Marketing Service
- ANPR: Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
- AO: Administrative Office
- APHIS: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
- ARRA: American Recovery and Investment Act
- ARS: Agricultural Research Service
- ATRA: The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012
- CCC: Commodity Credit Corporation
- CFR: Code of Federal Regulations
- CODEX: U.S. Codex Office
- CR: Civil Rights
- eCFR: Electronic Code of Federal Regulations
- EEO: Equal Employment Opportunity
- EO: Executive Order
- ERS: Economic Research Service
- FAS: Foreign Agricultural Service
- FFAS: Farm and Foreign Agricultural Service
- FLSA: Fair Labor Standards Act
- FMLA: Family and Medical Leave Act
- FNCS: Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services
- FNS: Food and Nutrition Service
- FOIA: Freedom of Information Act
- FPAC Business Center: Farm Production and Conservation Business Center
- FS: Forest Service
- FSA: Farm Service Agency
- FSIS: Food Safety and Inspection Service
- FY: Fiscal Year
- GS: General Schedule
- IG: Inspector General
- MOA: Memorandum of Agreement
- MOI: Memorandum of Interview
- MOU: Memorandum of Understanding
- MRP: Marketing and Regulatory Programs
- NAL: National Agricultural Library
- NARA: National Archives and Records Administration
- NASS: National Agricultural Statistics Service
- NFC: National Finance Center
- NHPA: National Historic Preservation Act
- NIFA: National Institute of Food and Agriculture
- NRCS: Natural Resources Conservation Service
- NRE: Natural Resources and the Environment
- OA: Office of the Administrator
- OAA: Office of the Associate Administrator
- OAE: Office of Advocacy and Enterprise
- OALJ: Office of Administrative Law Judges
- OAO: Office of Advocacy and Outreach
- OASA: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration
- OASCR: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights.
- OBPA: Office of Budget and Program Analysis
- OC: Office of Communications
- OCA: Office of the Consumer Advisor
- OCE: Office of Community Engagement; Office of the Chief Economist
- OCFO: Office of the Chief Financial Officer
- OCHRO: Office of the Chief Human Resources Director
- OCIO: Office of the Chief Information Officer
- OCR: Office of Congressional Relations
- OCS: Office of the Chief Scientist
- OES: Office of the Executive Secretariat
- OGC: Office of the General Counsel
- OGE: Office of Government Ethics
- OHR: Office of Human Resources
- OHSE: Office of Homeland Security and Emergency
- OIE: World Organization for Animal Health
- OIG: Office of Inspector General
- OMB: Office of Management and Budget
- OPPE: Office of Partnerships and Public Engagement
- OSDBU: Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization
- OSEC: Office of the Secretary
- OTR: Office of Tribal Relations
- RBCS: Rural Business Cooperative Service
- RD: Rural Development
- REE: Research, Education and Economics
- RHS: Rural Housing Service
- RMA: Risk Management Agency
- RUS: Rural Utilities Service
- SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
- TFAA: Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs
- U.S.C.: United States Code
- USDA: United States Department of Agriculture