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Staff Office

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

OCFO shapes an environment for USDA officials eliciting the high-quality financial performance needed to make and implement effective policy, management, stewardship, and program decisions.

The Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) serves as the principal advisor to the Secretary and Senior Officials on all matters related to financial management, financial management systems, financial control and accounting, internal control and assessment and financial management training.

We are responsible for the financial leadership of an enterprise that has more than 100,000 employees, 14,000 offices and field locations, $208 billion in assets, and $143 billion in annual spending.

Agencies Under OCFO

National Finance Center (NFC)

The NFC is a Shared Service Provider for Financial Management Services and Human Resources Management Services.

Financial Management Services (FMS)

The FMS provides financial management services through its SAP solution.

Financial Planning and Policy (FPP)

The FPP directs the development and implementation of financial policy and planning for the Department. These functions include developing a consolidated strategic plan; streamlining and enhancing reporting and monitoring processes to ensure accountability; and establishing travel, cash management, and other applicable fiscal and financial management policies.

Note: Pegasys Financial Services (PFS)

PFS has moved to a new location. Please visit the following link: Pegasys

Application Services


ezFedGrants is the USDA solution that will let you apply for and manage USDA grants and agreements online. It’s USDA’s OMB Circular A-123 system of record for processing Federal financial assistance transactions.

Payment Accuracy

Payment Accuracy promotes transparency of federal financial payment activities by providing information on payment activities and showing the payment challenges the Federal Government faces.


ConcurGov provides government travelers and managers the ability to request, manage, and process travel authorizations.

Contact Us

Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO)
Room 143-W
1400 Independence Ave., S.W.
Washington, DC 20250

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