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Crop Production

USDA strives to sustain and enhance economical crop production by developing and transferring sound, research-derived, knowledge to agricultural producers that results in food and fiber crops that are safe for consumption.

Crop Acreage and Yield

Crop Acreage and Yields

USDA produces charts and maps displaying crop yields, crop weather, micromaps, and crop acreage animations.

Agricultural Charts and Maps

USDA creates an annual report outlining crop acreage, yields, areas harvested, and other production information.

Crop Production Reports

USDA provides current, unbiased information on prices, volume, quality, condition, and other market data on domestic and international fruits and vegetables.

Fruit and Vegetable Market News

Crop Production Research

USDA focuses on enhancing economical crop production through its Crop Production Program by producing sound, research-driven knowledge to be shared and leveraged by its users.

Crop Production Program

CSGC applies systems theory to the solution of complex agricultural problems and to the development of computer-aided farm decision support systems.

Crop Systems & Global Change (CSGC)

USDA provides details on a wide range of information on crops including grains, oilseeds, fruits, vegetables, cotton, and tobacco.

Main U.S. Crop Information

USDA assists farmers by providing information on the planting and harvesting dates for major field crops by state.

Harvesting Information

USDA supports several strategic science-based regulatory programs designed to protect crops and natural resources.

Crop Biosecurity

USDA provides unbiased price and sales information to assist in the orderly marketing and distribution of farm commodities.

Crop Market Research

USDA provides numerous reports related to crop production information such as acreage, areas harvested, and yield.

Field Crop Reports

USDA analyzes data to create comprehensive forecast reports for U.S. agricultural commodities.

Commodity Outlook Reports

In accordance with the 1990 Farm Bill, all private applicators are required by law to keep records of their use of federally restricted use pesticides for a period of two years. The Pesticide Recordkeeping Branch (PRB) ensures that the Federal pesticide recordkeeping regulations are being followed through compliance and educational outreach activities.

Pesticide Recordkeeping Program

USDA provides information such as crop bulletins, historical data, planting and harvesting dates, and plant hardiness zone maps to assist producers in planning and managing the production of their crops.

Crop Weather Reports

USDA creates a weekly report during the growing season listing planting, fruiting, and harvesting progress and overall conditions in the major planting states.

State Crop Progress and Condition

USDA highlights some of the more memorable changes that took place in U.S. agriculture over the past century.

Trends in Agriculture

The Agricultural Statistics Book is published each year to meet the diverse need for a reliable reference book on agricultural production, supplies, consumption, facilities, costs, and return.

Agricultural Statistics

USDA highlights agricultural statistics and data reports, charts, and maps annually.

Census of Agriculture

The Census of Agriculture, taken every five years, is the most comprehensive source of statistics portraying U.S. Agriculture.

Quick Stats Database by Commodity, State, and Year

The Quick Stats Database provides access to significant U.S. and State information and the ability to query by commodity, state, and year.

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