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Hall of Tribal Nations

The Office of Tribal Relations is proud to host a Hall of Tribal Nations in the U.S. Department of Agriculture. These flags welcome tribal leaders and organizations visiting USDA, and serve as a reminder of USDA’s federal trust responsibility and diplomatic nation-to-nation relationship.

Agriculture Secretary Vilsack shared a video dedicating the new space at the White House Tribal Leaders Summit, held virtually on Nov. 15-16, 2021. During the Summit, tribal leaders engaged with the highest levels of the Administration on key issues, policymaking, and mutual goals.

The Hall highlights dozens of tribal nation flags along with artwork from Native American artists, and Native produced and indigenous foods.

USDA invites more tribal nations to contribute flags to this growing collection.

Please contact to learn more, or send your 3ft. x 5ft. tribal flag to:

U.S. Department of Agriculture
Attention: Tribal Flags/Office of Tribal Relations
1400 Independence Avenue SW
Room 200A J.L. Whitten Building
Washington, DC 20250

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