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Showing: 5371 - 5380 of 8106 Results

Symposium on Sustainability Solutions

May 29, 2012 Jenna Jadin, AAAS Fellow/Advisor

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from USDA’s rich science and research portfolio. Sustainability is an important issue in government, with city planners, state agencies, and the federal government all...

Research and Science

Forest Service Chief Pitches in to Help Plant Trees

May 29, 2012 Thiery Curtis, Office of Communication, U.S. Forest Service

Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell recently threw out the first pitch at a Potomac Nationals baseball game during their Forest Service Night Out in Woodbridge, Va. The event publicized the Break a Bat/Plant a Tree partnership between the Potomac Nationals—a Class A Advanced Affiliate of the Washington...


Rain? Drought? Cold? Hot? New US Forest Service Report Seeks to Clarify Use of Climate Information

May 29, 2012 Robert H. Westover, U.S. Forest Service

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from USDA’s rich science and research portfolio. People often get confused when observed weather patterns run contrary to climate projections. For instance, those living in...

Conservation Forestry

As Bats Swoop, Students Swoon to Learn More About Them During USDA Webcast

May 29, 2012 Sandy Frost, Forest Service Partnership Liaison

Consider the bat - you know, the flying type that swoops out of urban eaves or rural caves usually at dawn or dusk. What do you know about the central roles they play in controlling insect populations, balancing ecosystems or pollinating flowers, fruits and vegetables? Last week, students in grades...


People's Garden in Tipton, Iowa Celebrates USDA's 150th Anniversary by Growing "Abraham Lincoln" Tomatoes

May 29, 2012 Darin Leach, USDA Rural Development, public information coordinator in Iowa

To help celebrate USDA’s 150th anniversary which was on May 15th, USDA Rural Development employee Mike Boyle (left in photo) and community volunteer Josh Meier, planted special heirloom “Abraham Lincoln” tomatoes at Hardacre Community Garden in Tipton, Iowa. Tipton’s Hardacre Community Garden was...

Initiatives Rural

Don’t Get Burned by Foodborne Illness this Memorial Day

May 25, 2012 Bill Bagley, Public Affairs Specialist, Food Safety and Inspection Service

Tips to prepare your burgers, chicken, and hot dogs safely With Memorial Day weekend fast approaching, people all over the country are stocking up on charcoal and filling their propane tanks in preparation for another cookout season. As Americans begin to focus on spending more time outdoors and...

Health and Safety

USDA Tribal Collaboration Meetings Continue in Southeast Alaska

May 25, 2012 Forrest Cole, Forest Supervisor, Tongass National Forest

The Tongass National Forest is the largest national forest in the country, and constitutes 85 percent of the land mass in Southeast Alaska. No doubt, land management issues in Southeast were a main topic of discussion at the Tribal Collaboration Meeting held in Ketchikan on May 4 th.


Forest Service Lines up 500 Jobs for Young Conservationists

May 25, 2012 U.S. Forest Service Office of Communication

When President Obama recently called on federal agencies to help young people find more work in the great outdoors, the U.S. Forest Service – with 193 million acres of prime outdoor space —responded quickly with jobs for hundreds of underserved youths. The America’s Great Outdoors: Developing the...

USDA Results Forestry

Secretary's Column: Remembering Those Who Served

May 25, 2012 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

This Memorial Day weekend, Americans across our nation will spend time with family and friends – enjoying parades, barbeques, ballgames and the great outdoors. But it’s important that we also take time to remember the men and women who have given their lives defending the United States. While we...

USDA Results Forestry Rural

In Honor of Small Business Week, Save Mother Earth by Saving Resources

May 25, 2012 Tammi Schone, South Dakota USDA Public Information Officer

Business owners and managers around the world like to save money. Electricity, natural gas, and water are three utilities that can drain a bank account fast. N-K Properties, Inc., a car wash business, based in Yankton, South Dakota wanted to improve the bottom line. The car wash business is a very...

USDA Results Energy Rural


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