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Showing: 5041 - 5050 of 8106 Results

Recognizing Champions of Change: Strengthening Food Security at Home and Abroad

September 12, 2012 Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan

Earlier today, I had the pleasure of congratulating 11 extraordinary individuals being recognized through the White House Champions of Change program for their work to tackle hunger in the United States and abroad. The Champions recognized today are making improved access to healthy food a reality...

Food and Nutrition

With Apologies to the Teacher, Local Apples Head Straight for the Cafeteria

September 12, 2012 Deborah Kane, National Director, USDA Farm to School Program

An apple for the teacher? Yes, and the cafeteria too. Classic images of eager children handing perfect apples to their teacher abound. In the idealized imagery, the apples are often shiny, red, and round. And if you are angling for a good grade, or really like your teacher, the apples are big. But...

Food and Nutrition Farming

Making School Days Healthier in Miami

September 11, 2012 FNCS Under Secretary Kevin Concannon

I recently had the pleasure of visiting North Beach Elementary School in Miami to recognize 177 schools in the Miami-Dade County Public Schools District for their efforts to promote good nutrition and physical activity to their students. All 177 schools achieved Bronze Awards in the HealthierUS...

Initiatives Food and Nutrition

Recognizing the Importance of Grandparents

September 11, 2012 Jill Lee, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Evelyn Eagleman, 63, remembers driving the long distance off Rocky Boy’s Indian Reservation, Mont., to rescue her grandson when he was two. His father was serving in the military and his mother had been arrested on drug charges. The boy needed a new start. She brought the child home to Rocky Boy...


It’s Back to School Night with the PTA… From the Comfort of Your Own Home!

September 11, 2012 Rebecca Frank, USDA Office of Communications

The school day just got healthier! This year, thanks to the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act, students can expect to see healthier and more nutritious food on school lunch trays across the country. To help navigate what these changes mean, you are invited to join National PTA President Betsy Landers...

Initiatives Food and Nutrition

Deputy Under Secretary Tours New York USDA-Funded College Dormitory

September 11, 2012 Arielle Spears, New York USDA Public Affairs Intern

“Back to School Week” is often the most thrilling and the hectic time for students (As a student I have experienced this first hand). The campus atmosphere is filled with excitement, expectation and the ringing of laughter. In between purchasing textbooks and memorizing course schedules students are...

Initiatives Rural

Changing Climate May Substantially Alter Maple Syrup Production

September 11, 2012 Robert H. Westover, U.S. Forest Service

U.S. Forest Service research indicates that climate change will affect habitat suitability for maple trees, threatening the multimillion dollar maple syrup industry. Changes in climate have already had an impact on the iconic sugar maple trees of the Northeastern U.S. Flow of maple sap, which is...


More Complicated Than Rocket Science

September 11, 2012 Ann Bartuska, USDA Deputy Under Secretary for Research, Education, and Economics

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from the USDA’s rich science and research portfolio. From ensuring the sustainability of our water resources, to breeding crops tolerant to changing climactic conditions, to...

Research and Science

USDA and Forest Service Leadership Recognize Diverse Central California Consortium Interns

September 10, 2012 Lily M. Nieves, USDA Forest Service, Region V, California

The Central California Consortium (CCC) celebrated the completion of its intern program at the 16 th Annual Intern Awards Ceremony. CCC partner, Center for Advanced Research and Technology (CART), hosted the event on August 9, 2012 in Clovis, CA. The CCC was honored to host USDA and Forest Service...


USDA Rural Development Participates in Value Added Day at South Dakota State Fair

September 10, 2012 Tammi Schone, South Dakota USDA Public Information Officer

The recently concluded South Dakota State Fair is ‘Still the One!’ The Value Added Agriculture Development Center (VAADC) hosted Value Added Ag Day at the 2012 South Dakota State Fair on August 30th. USDA Rural Development was represented at the tent and State Director Elsie Meeks was on a panel...



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