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Showing: 4711 - 4720 of 8105 Results

Mobile Optimization Drives Visitors to ATO Japan's Website

February 07, 2013 Erin Tindell, Public Affairs Specialist, Foreign Agricultural Service

The Foreign Agricultural Service’s (FAS) Agricultural Trade Office (ATO) in Japan recently released a smart phone optimized version of their business website,, in conjunction with their “Taste of America” campaign. The optimization was done in response to the increased use of smart...

USDA Results Technology

Undersecretary Scuse Challenges Beginning Farmers to Let Their Voices Be Heard

February 07, 2013 Tanya Brown, Writer and Editor, Farm Service Agency

A passion for agriculture is what brought 50 young farmers to the Washington, D.C., area this week, as part of a national networking forum for the next generation of producers. “We want to let young producers know that their voice is important and they shouldn’t be hesitant or bashful about...

USDA Results

USDA, National Endowment for the Arts, Artplace, work Together to Bring Opportunities to Rural Artists

February 06, 2013 Chris Beck, Senior Projects Advisor, USDA Rural Development

As part of USDA’s effort to partner with foundations and increase investments in rural America, the Department has been working with the National Endowment for the Arts and Artplace to maximize grants that are being made in rural communities. ArtPlace is a non-profit organization which implements a...


Building a Better Website for the Battle Against Forest Invaders

February 06, 2013 Frank Sapio, Health Technology Enterprise Team, U.S Forest Service

The Forest Service is making it easier than ever to report the spread of insects that have invaded America’s national, state, private and urban forests. Forest Health Protection has released Version 2 of its mapping and reporting portal. Built on the latest technology, the portal is an interactive...

Forestry Animals Plants

International Trade Topics Featured at USDA Ag Outlook Forum

February 06, 2013 Brenda Chapin, USDA Office of the Chief Economist

The theme for this year’s USDA Agricultural Outlook Forum is centered on managing risk in today’s markets. The forum will feature several international trade sessions highlighting strategies, challenges, and prospects for growth for U.S. agricultural exporters. One of the international trade...


Ten Best Cities for Urban Forests

February 06, 2013 Alice Ewen, Urban and Community Forestry, U.S. Forest Service

America is home to more than 100 million acres of urban and community forests. These are the forests that line our streets, shade our buildings and burst with color every spring and fall. Trees also clean our air and help prevent pollution and flooding. That's one of the reasons we like to call our...


New Generation Farmers Add 21st-Century Spin to New Mexico Operation

February 05, 2013 Clint Chisler, NRCS New Mexico

Joseph and Jeremy Gonzales are doing something different with their Gonzales Land and Cattle operation in Lovington, N.M., and it’s hard not to notice. Farming is hard enough without adding extra challenges. So the Gonzales brothers are using 21 st-century technology to work smarter, not harder.


NY Times Names Forest Service-Managed River in Washington a Top Destination

February 05, 2013 Keith Riggs, Office of Communication, U.S. Forest Service

Dubbed America’s premier alpine whitewater river, the White Salmon River in south central Washington State was recently named as a top destination by the New York Times. The White Salmon, used by kayakers and rafters all year round, winds nearly 45 miles from its headwaters on the Gifford Pinchot...


AgrAbility Helps Keep Farmers, Ranchers with Disabilities On the Job

February 05, 2013 Alexandra Wilson, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from USDA's rich science and research profile. Although Mark Hosier was told he’d never walk again, the Indiana farmer is running a 500-acre farm and 10-sow showpig business...

Research and Science

A Landscape View of Rural Economic Revitalization

February 05, 2013 Vicki Walker, USDA Rural Development State Director for Oregon

Have you ever been on vacation, but just couldn’t get away from your work? Me too. It seems everywhere I look I see the footprint of USDA Rural Development and its ties to rural revitalization. Because I love my job and the good work USDA is doing, I am thrilled each and every time I see the results...



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