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Showing: 4241 - 4250 of 8106 Results

Back to School: New Opportunities for the Virtual Classroom

August 15, 2013 Karen Priestly, USDA Rural Development

Back to school means a fun and exciting way to learn for students of Anderson Public School in rural Gallatin County, Montana. Using a Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grant from USDA Rural Development, Anderson Public School and nine other rural schools in Montana installed the necessary...


Busting Bugs: USDA Creates Online Tools to ID Pests

August 14, 2013 Natalie Loggans, USDA, APHIS, Public Affairs

Do you work at a port or international border where identifying potentially destructive agricultural pests is part of your job? Are you a student or teacher interested in learning more about potential and existing agricultural pests? Have you ever seen a creepy crawly thing in your backyard and...

Animals Plants

What Does It Cost to Raise a Child?

August 14, 2013 Kevin Concannon, Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services

How much will that little bundle of joy cost? According to USDA’s Cost of Raising a Child report, the answer for a child born in 2012 is $241,080 for food, shelter and other necessities over the next 17 years, which translates to about $301,970 when adjusted for inflation! Speaking as a father and a...

Initiatives Food and Nutrition

A Road to Success for College Interns with the Forest Service

August 14, 2013 Ryan Johnson, Volunteer/Intern, U.S. Forest Service National Forests in North Carolina

Angeliz Vangas and Hanniah Rodriguez made a big impact serving as interns on the National Forests in North Carolina and are now heading back to school and continuing on their road to success. As part of the Student Career Experience Program (SCEP), this summer Vangas and Rodriguez interned in the U...


Teach Your Growing 'Superhero' to Defeat Bacteria, Use Their Powers to be Food Safe at Any Age

August 14, 2013 CiCi Williamson, USDA Food Safety Inspection Service

“Aw, Mom, I’ll be fine,” says a teen off to college for the first time when cautioned about handling food safely. An elementary school student tells his dad not to mention putting the cold pack in his lunchbox. “Don’t bug me in front of my friends,” says the gradeschooler who feels embarrassed....

Health and Safety

Next Year at School: New Standards Point to Healthier Snacks and Other Competitive Foods

August 13, 2013 Joanne Guthrie, Food Economics Division, Economic Research Service

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from USDA’s rich science and research portfolio. Beginning with the 2014-15 school year, “competitive foods” in schools will be subject to new nutritional standards...

Food and Nutrition Research and Science

The Next Generation of Statisticians

August 13, 2013 Dr. Cynthia Clark, Administrator, National Agricultural Statistics Service

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from USDA’s rich science and research portfolio. One of the most exciting aspects of my job as the head of USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) and an...

Research and Science

Ready, Set, Learn: USDA Lessons for Our Nation’s Next Generation

August 13, 2013 Rebecca Frank, USDA Office of Communications

It’s that time of year! Back to school season is upon us and agencies across the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) are working to ensure a stronger and healthier future for our nation’s next generation of leaders. That means providing a happy and healthy learning environment for our kids, and...

Initiatives Food and Nutrition Animals Plants Research and Science

Start A School Garden - Here's How...

August 13, 2013 Annie Ceccarini, Outreach and Education Specialist, the People’s Garden Initiative

Numerous excellent school garden programs have sprouted up across the country. School gardens often provide food that improves a child’s diet and nutrition, areas for learning, places for pleasure and recreation, as well as a continuing lesson in environmental stewardship and civic pride. But how do...


MyPlate Goes To College

August 12, 2013 Robert Post, Acting Executive Director, Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion

The USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion launched a new initiative this past March, MyPlate On Campus, to help spread healthy eating messages to young adults during their college years. MyPlate On Campus is a unique program that encourages students to improve their own eating and physical...

Food and Nutrition


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