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Showing: 2621 - 2630 of 8107 Results

Deal Gives Back

June 11, 2015 Meryl Harrell, Senior Advisor to the Under Secretary

Here at USDA, we believe in the power of community to make a difference. So when Alice Deal Middle School in Washington, DC, reached out to the USDA Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships to come visit for their annual day of service, we were eager to welcome over 100 seventh graders...

Conservation Initiatives

Rancher Weathers Drought, Restores Prairie Chicken Habitat at Same Time

June 11, 2015 Justin Fritscher, Natural Resources Conservation Service

By Sandra Murphy, Lesser Prairie-Chicken Initiative USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) works with ranchers and partners to improve habitat for lesser prairie-chicken through the Lesser Prairie-Chicken Initiative (LPCI). Focusing on privately-owned lands, the initiative covers five...


The Results Are In: Judging the 2015 Healthy Lunchtime Challenge

June 11, 2015 Elizabeth Rahavi, RD, Nutritionist, Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion

This spring, kids from across the country honed their culinary and nutrition skills to participate in the Healthy Lunchtime Challenge, and the wait is over to find out who received the top spot from each of the 50 states, four U.S. territories, and the District of Columbia. The winners of the 2015...

Food and Nutrition Initiatives

Gleaning Sweet Potatoes for a Good Cause

June 11, 2015 Jan Suszkiw, Agricultural Research Service

After grading and collecting research data, Larry Adams and his crew fill sweet potato sacks for delivery to the Leland Food Pantry in Leland, Mississippi. There, the freshly dug sweet potatoes will be distributed to low-income families and other needy members of the community. Adams, an...

Food and Nutrition

U.S. Forest Service Waives Fees for National Get Outdoors Day

June 11, 2015 Ellita Willis, Office of Communication, U.S. Forest Service

Summer break is in full swing with kids (and parents) chomping at the bit for some excitement. On Saturday, June 13, the U.S. Forest Service is inviting families to join thousands of forest explorers for a free, fun-packed day of outdoor adventures in celebration of National Get Outdoors Day. The...


Bringing the Farm to the City: How a Local Land Grant University is Supporting a Different Kind of Agriculture

June 11, 2015 Ann Bartuska, Ph.D., Deputy Undersecretary, Research, Education, and Economics

This year I have had the pleasure of visiting a number of urban agriculture operations. From California to Cleveland, the ability of individuals to realize the multidimensional benefits of agricultural production and leverage them in an urban context has been nothing short of amazing. This past week...

Food and Nutrition Farming

Behind the Scenes of the Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food Initiative: Jill Auburn

June 10, 2015 Elanor Starmer, Senior Advisor to the Secretary on Local and Regional Food Systems

This month, the Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food initiative (KYF2) celebrates an important milestone: the sixth anniversary of the first convening of the KYF2 Task Force. Since 2009, the Task Force, a dedicated team of experts from across the Department, has been hard at work in support of USDA’s...

Food and Nutrition Farming

Celebrating Small Cities Month

June 10, 2015 Ken Keck, Agricultural Marketing Service Transportation and Marketing Program Marketing Services Director

June is Small Cities Month, an opportunity to celebrate the unique and important role our smaller communities play in our rural economy and making our nation a great place to live and work. Leaders in innovation and entrepreneurship often hail from small cities and their residents are proud of their...

Food and Nutrition Farming

South Dakota: A Strong Force in Economic Development

June 10, 2015 Sam Rikkers, Deputy Administrator, USDA Rural Business-Cooperative Service

To me, the phrase 'economic development' is more than a buzzword – and that was reinforced during an all-too-brief trip to western South Dakota. It's easy to get caught up in the policymaking and program implementation in Washington, D.C., and I find great value in getting to the field so I can see...


Safe and Secure Rural Homes: Continuing the Tradition in Kentucky

June 09, 2015 Tom Fern, Kentucky State Director

USDA celebrates National Homeownership Month each year in June, and we continue to shine the spotlight on projects across the nation. I wanted to illustrate the work we do to provide ladders of opportunity for rural residents who might not have such an opportunity without the support of USDA Rural...



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