Material Management Service Center

Update for MMSC Community User Portal to Place Orders:
MMSC highly recommends customers place orders using the CFPDC mailbox at Please provide your customer ID number, complete mailing address, telephone number and the items needed. The average order sent to the mailbox is processed the same day and in most cases within hours. We look forward to continuing our efforts of providing excellent customer service to our USDA customers.
The Material Management Service Center (MMSC), a Division within the Office of Operations (OO), provides quality supply and property management services to USDA and other government agencies and/or organizations.
Paul DeOca
Director, Material Management Service Center
(301) 394-0413
What We Do
The MMSC exercises its mission by providing support to USDA and other agencies by managing the Consolidated Forms & Publications Distribution Center which provides inventory control, storage and distribution of forms, publications and supplies for participating federal agencies and activities by mutual agreement. In addition, MMSC manages the Centralized Excess Property Operation (CEPO) which is a disposal unit for excess/surplus personal property released by the USDA agencies, staff offices, and division in the Washington Metropolitan Area. In addition to providing personal property disposal services, CEPO provides recycling services through the re-issuance/ transfer of as-is furniture, used office equipment and the sale of Rehab Furniture to USDA agencies. We also sell surplus personal property to the general public via various types of sales.
Material Management Service Center News
- Directions to the Material Management Service Center
- Going Green
- Auctions - Surplus Government Personal Property
FSIS Customers
- FSIS Consolidated Supply Catalog (PDF, 12.0 MB)
- 2025 Calendars and Accessories
- FSIS Quick Reference - Supply Orders and Changing Customer ID Numbers (DOCX, 103 KB)
- New Customer Ordering User's Guide (PPTX, 2 MB)
- If you cannot access the system or get an error message, please complete an eAuth Request Form (DOCX, 13.5 KB). Please email completed form to
- Request for Residential Accounts
Other USDA Customers
- Quick Reference for Forms & Pub Orders (DOCX, 23.3 KB)
- New Customer Ordering User's Guide (PPTX, 2 MB)
- Customer Order Login
- Surplus Sales Schedule
- Spot Bid Sales Schedule
- Sales Catalog
- August Auction Catalog (DOCX, 396 KB)
- August Auction Flyer (DOCX, 32.0 KB)
- Computers for Learning
Furniture Available for Transfer
The following is a sample of the types of furniture items available for immediate transfer/donation to qualified federal, state and local governments. Transfer/donations of As-Is furniture will be at no cost to your agency.
Some furniture items will vary in styles, sizes, color and etc. and may not be readily available at the time of your inquiry.
Furniture transfer requests can be submitted using the Request for As-Is Furniture For Transfer Form (DOCX, 13.6 KB). You can email the form to or fax your request to (301) 394-0296.
CEPO Furniture Catalog 2021 (PPTX, 1.1 MB)
Materiel Management Service Center Offices
- Centralized Excess Property Operation (CEPO)
- Consolidated Forms and Publications Distribution Center (CFPDC)
Contact Information
Material Management Service Center
6351 Ammendale Road
Beltsville, MD 20705
(301) 394-0400