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USDA Science Powering Your Game Day

Megan Guilfoyle, Public Affairs Specialist

This weekend, millions will be watching the big game.

Research and Science

85 Years of National Dairy Month

June 28, 2022 MRP Under Secretary Jenny Lester Moffitt

Last week, to celebrate June Dairy Month, I visited Crave Brothers Farmstead in Waterloo, Wisconsin, where I toured this family farm and cheese factory, and learned about how the Crave family crafts their award-winning cheeses. In recent years, dairy farmers have faced many challenges, and USDA has...


Value-Added Ag Products Help Home Cooks and Bakers Experiment in the Kitchen

August 20, 2020 Suzanne Richards, Agricultural Statistician, Statistics Division, USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service

In recent months, people around the world have found new ways to spend time at home. Many Americans have picked up hobbies like arts and crafts, working out, and – of course – cooking and baking. You may not know that many popular recipes feature value-added products. A value-added product is one...

Research and Science

Cheese and So Much More: Ag Census Data Show Multi-Faceted Wisconsin Farm Economy

December 19, 2019 Greg Bussler, Wisconsin State Statistician, USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service

Wisconsin (PDF, 941 KB) is known as America’s Dairyland; however, the 2017 Census of Agriculture data show us that Wisconsin has a diverse agricultural industry. It’s no surprise Wisconsin ranks number one in cheese production, but did you know it also ranks number one in corn for silage, cranberry...

Research and Science

USDA Foods Partnerships Celebrate American Agriculture

March 20, 2018 Laura Castro, Director, Food Distribution Division, Food and Nutrition Service and David Tuckwiller, Associate Deputy Administrator for Commodity Procurement Programs, Agricultural Marketing Service

What do apples, beef and cheese have in common? These ABCs are all favorites with children and they are all a part of the USDA Foods program thanks to collaborative partnerships between the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and American farmers and businesses.

Food and Nutrition

Missouri Dairy Diversifies to Keep Next Generation on the Farm

October 13, 2017 Dana Rogge, Public Affairs Specialist, Farm Service Agency

David Hemme of Sweet Springs, Missouri, scrolls down through a German webpage on his smartphone. The insignia of “Hemme Milch” anchors the top of the page, a company owned and operated by Hemme’s distant relatives in Germany.


See You on May 6th for Opening Day of USDA Farmers Market

April 28, 2016 Annie Ceccarini, Program Manager, The People's Garden Initiative and USDA Farmers Market

Get excited—we sure are! Friday, May 6, is the opening of the 21 st season of the USDA Farmers Market in Washington, D.C. This means USDA employees and others who work nearby, residents of the city’s Ward 2, and tourists visiting the National Mall can once again shop at the USDA Farmers Market at 12...

USDA Results Food and Nutrition Farming Initiatives

Celebrating American Agriculture: All USDA Foods are Local to Someone

March 15, 2016 Julie Skolmowski, Branch Chief, Nutrition Services and Access, Food Distribution Division, Supplemental Nutrition and Safety Programs

March is National Nutrition Month. Throughout the month, USDA will be highlighting results of our efforts to improve access to safe, healthy food for all Americans and supporting the health of our next generation. Fish and fowl, sowing and reaping, nutrition and agriculture… certain words and...

Food and Nutrition

Let the Good Times Flow for National Dairy Month!

June 04, 2015 Dana Coale, Deputy Administrator of the Agricultural Marketing Service’s Dairy Program

June is an eventful and versatile month—the start of warm summer days, school vacations, and holidays like Father’s Day and Flag Day. We also celebrate many unusual observances in June such as Heimlich Maneuver Day, National Yo-Yo Day, and National Donut Day. But who can enjoy a donut without a nice...

Food and Nutrition

Partnerships Make "Gouda" on USDA's Commitment to Rural America

December 19, 2014 Anne Alonzo, Agricultural Marketing Service Administrator

’Tis the season for good cheer, holiday festivities and cheese plates. There are seemingly endless varieties to enjoy – Gouda, Blue, Cheddar, Asiago, Feta, Muenster and many more. Hardworking American dairy farmers and cheese artisans make these delicious products. A strong dairy sector not only...

Food and Nutrition
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