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Open Government

Engaging Spanish-Speaking Organic Stakeholders

September 22, 2015 Miles McEvoy, Deputy Administrator of the National Organic Program

A key component of USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service’s (AMS) work upholding organic integrity is providing the organic community with easy access to the National Organic Program’s (NOP) resources, to help producers and processors understand and comply with the USDA organic regulations. In recent...


Apoyando Miembros de la Comunidad Orgánica de Habla Hispana

September 22, 2015 Miles McEvoy, Subadministrador del Programa Orgánico Nacional

Un componente clave del trabajo del Servicio de Comercialización Agrícola (conocida en inglés como el Agricultural Marketing Service o AMS) del USDA en asegurar la integridad orgánica es proporcionar a la comunidad orgánica acceso fácil a los recursos del Programa Nacional Orgánico (el National...


Evolution of Agency Revealed in New Website

August 17, 2015 Shayla Mae Bailey, AMS Digital Communications Manager

Over the last ten years, the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) has transformed as an agency. Of course, the core mission is still there—facilitating the domestic and international marketing of U.S. agricultural products—but how we accomplish that mission is an evolutionary process. Our agency...


Organic Growth - 27,000+ Certified Organic Operations around the World

April 15, 2015 Anne L. Alonzo, Agricultural Marketing Service Administrator

This is the twenty-fourth installment of the Organic 101 series that explores different aspects of the USDA organic regulations. Across the country, more and more people are looking for organic options at their local markets. Thanks to the remarkable growth in the number of domestic and...


Calling All Open Data Partners

July 22, 2014 Jaime Adams, Office of the Chief Scientist

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from the USDA’s rich science and research portfolio. What data have you opened to the world lately? In a time of increased global challenges in food and agriculture, a...

Research and Science

The Growth of an Industry - 18,000+ Certified Organic Operations in the U.S. Alone

March 20, 2014 Miles McEvoy, National Organic Program Deputy Administrator

American organic farmers and producers are at the forefront of innovation and entrepreneurship. Organic production contributes to building a stronger rural America by creating economic opportunities for farms and businesses of all sizes. In the U.S. alone, there are now 18,513 certified USDA organic...

Conservation Food and Nutrition

Successful Launch of the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition Initiative

November 12, 2013 Jaime Adams, USDA Office of the Chief Scientist

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from USDA's rich science and research portfolio. Exciting times are ahead for the future of global agriculture, development, and health. On October 31, the US delegation...

Research and Science

Join the 'Data Revolution', Help Lay the Groundwork for Sustainable Agriculture

June 26, 2013 Catherine Woteki, USDA Chief Scientist and Under Secretary for Research, Education, and Economics

On June 8 th, during the Nutrition for Growth event in London, the United Kingdom and United States governments announced plans to launch the Global Open Data Initiative for Agriculture and Nutrition. This, in turn, built on the G-8 International Conference on Open Data for Agriculture conference in...

Food and Nutrition Technology

New API Helps Satisfy the Nation's App-etite for Farmers Markets

May 15, 2013 Anne L. Alonzo, Agricultural Marketing Service Administrator

America is developing quite an app-etite. The number of U.S. smartphone owners is approaching 130 million, resulting in more and more demand for mobile access to our information. Combine that with the increase in consumers wanting access to fresh, local products, and it’s obvious why there’s such a...

Food and Nutrition Farming Technology

Open Agricultural Data at Your Fingertips

April 30, 2013 Franz Hochstrasser, Research, Education, and Economics

Yesterday, Secretary Vilsack officially launched the U.S. Government’s new Food, Agriculture and Rural virtual community on This will serve as a single access point for our related datasets, databases, tools, apps and data resources discussed throughout the G-8 Open Data for Agriculture...

Conservation Food and Nutrition Trade Research and Science
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