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Calling All Open Data Partners

July 22, 2014 at 10:00 AM

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from the USDA’s rich science and research portfolio.

What data have you opened to the world lately?

In a time of increased global challenges in food and agriculture, a shared approach is essential to developing solutions for us all.  That’s why the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN) remains determined to make agricultural and nutritional data available, accessible, and usable for unrestricted use worldwide.

Born on October 31, 2013, at the Open Government Partnership meeting in London, GODAN is now 9 months old and growing fast.  Continuously gaining momentum, GODAN currently has over 85 partners across the globe.

During a recent trip to The Hague in the Netherlands, I met with several other GODAN partners -- all of whom are committed to providing resources for GODAN.  At the one day meeting, we rolled up our sleeves and drafted the organizational structure, including the roles and responsibilities for the GODAN executive secretariat that we look forward to share with all GODAN partners soon.

We hope to have the GODAN executive secretariat up and running by November 1 to plan the first major task: the 2015 GODAN Conference.  Opportunities to apply will be announced on the GODAN website in the near future.  As part of the executive secretariat, GODAN will be seeking a global ambassador, an individual with the highest qualifications in the areas of open data, agriculture, and nutrition, to lead advocacy efforts and encourage other leaders in these fields to join as a GODAN partner.

At the upcoming U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit, we are preparing to announce several new GODAN partners, including major corporations and African nations.

Is your organization interested in becoming a GODAN partner?  Becoming a GODAN partner is non-binding and no financial commitment is required.  Anyone who supports open access to agriculture and nutrition data is encouraged to apply!

Our partners include public and private entities, including donors, international organizations, non-profits, and businesses.  Visit the GODAN website and join GODAN today!


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