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Managing Forests in the Face of Drought - There is Help!

March 10, 2016 Marilyn Buford, U.S. Forest Service

Drought, especially prolonged or severe drought, can be a major stress in forest ecosystems. Drought can kill trees directly or indirectly through insect attack or wildfire. Both of which are more likely to occur during drought. Tree mortality impacts most of the ecosystem services provided by...


USDA Builds Conservation Partnerships to Restore Forests, Clean Water and Reduce Wildfire Risk

February 24, 2016 Ellita Willis, U.S. Forest Service

Protecting our National Forests and surrounding lands against a myriad of threats is not an easy feat. That’s why joining forces with the right ally is a powerful strategy. In 2014, U.S. Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell and Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Chief Jason Weller formed a...

Conservation Forestry

New Report, USDA Climate Hubs Offer Help to Address Forest Drought in the U.S.

February 12, 2016 Randy Johnson, USDA Climate Hubs

Drought patterns have always fluctuated and are expected to become increasingly dynamic in the years to come, making managing working lands profitably more of a challenge. Because specific actions for building resilience to drought vary with location and forest type, USDA is helping land managers...


Forest Service Drought Report Serves as 'Foundation of Understanding' for Forest, Rangeland Managers in a Changing Climate

February 01, 2016 Kathryn Sosbe, Office of Communication, U.S. Forest Service

Drought is inevitable, a recurring natural event – or series of events – that can be felt over a season or a severe, longer lasting natural event that has social and economic consequences. But how land managers prepare for or react at any stage of a drought in today’s world with the increasing...


Support Healthy Markets this National Forest Products Week

October 19, 2015 Robert H. Westover, Public Affairs Specialist, U.S. Forest Service

The following guest blog is part of a series featuring the Forest Service’s work with partners on restoration across the country. By Scott Bissette, Assistant Commissioner of the North Carolina Forest Service and chair of the National Association of State Foresters Forest Markets Committee Our...


Secretary Announces New York and Oregon Tall Wood Building Prize Winners

September 17, 2015 Charles Parrott, AMS Specialty Crops Program Deputy Administrator

All around the world, including here in the United States, builders are adopting new, cutting edge technologies to save energy and reduce a structure’s carbon footprint. Now, technological advances are enabling architects and contractors to use one of the most traditional materials, wood, to...

Conservation Technology

The Right Acres in the Right Place at the Right Time - Coastal Headwaters Forest

September 14, 2015 Ciji Taylor, Natural Resources Conservation Service

The Conservation Fund helps conserve and restore our American landscape, including wild areas, popular parks, working forests and more. A partner in conservation, The Conservation Fund received a $5 million grant from the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) for the Coastal Headwaters...


Responding to Oak Wilt and Climate Change on the Menominee Nation Forest

September 09, 2015 Arthur Blazer, Deputy Undersecretary, Natural Resources and Environment

Standing in a disturbed patch of forest, Menominee forester Jeff Grignon looks around and explains, “My role is to regenerate the forest, maintain the forest, create diversity, and look toward the future.” This task is becoming increasingly challenging as growing forest health issues intersect with...

Conservation Forestry

Working Together to Restore the Colorado Front Range

September 02, 2015 Jennifer Hayes, Rocky Mountain Research Station, U.S. Forest Service

It started with a call from a concerned landowner living on Pine Country Lane, nestled in the foothills just west of Denver. The landscape spread out before them was scarred from previous high-severity fires, the homeowners told their local Conservation District. Their home was sitting at the top of...


Alaskan High School Students Learn Valuable Skills at "Fish Boot Camp"

August 27, 2015 Nat Gillespie, Assistant National Fisheries Program Leader, U.S. Forest Service

This post was co-authored with Andrew Thoms, Executive Director of the Sitka Conservation Society . “The thing that our forests grow best is salmon!” is the local phrase that a visitor is most likely to hear when visiting some of the 32 communities that live near the Tongass National Forest of...

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