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Water Quality Trading Program Awarded For Innovation

April 17, 2015 Kari Cohen, Natural Resources Conservation Service

When USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) awarded a Conservation Innovation Grant to the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) in 2009, the notion of administering the nation’s largest water quality trading program in the Ohio River Basin was a twinkle in the eye of EPRI scientist...


Keeping our Promise in Kentucky

March 20, 2015 Lisa Mensah, Under Secretary for Rural Development

During my trip to Kentucky, I was truly gratified to see Rural Development’s footprint throughout small towns spread across all regions of the Commonwealth. From water lines, broadband networks, wastewater treatment plants, single and multi-family housing, electric lines, senior centers, hospitals...


Investing in Rural Kids Is an Investment in Our Future

March 02, 2015 Doug O'Brien, Senior Policy Advisor for Rural Affairs with the White House Domestic Policy Council

Cross-posted from the White House Rural Council blog: "Will we accept an economy where only a few of us do spectacularly well? Or will we build an economy where everyone who works hard has a chance to get ahead? ... This country does best when everyone gets their fair shot, everyone does their fair...

Food and Nutrition

Soils Support Urban Life

February 27, 2015 Kurt Mason, Natural Resource Conservation Service, Kentucky

The United Nations General Assembly has designated 2015 as the International Year of Soils. This is one of a continuing series of blogs to mark this observance. Soil is defined as a dynamic natural body that is made up of solids, liquid and gases and occurs on the earth’s surface, contains living...


Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program Pays Dividends

January 27, 2015 Kelly Flynn, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from USDA’s rich science and research portfolio. A solid education is crucial to those seeking careers in animal science. However, many student loans can be burdensome. But...

Research and Science

USDA Foods Hatches New Chicken Product for Schools

January 21, 2015 Lindsay Walle, USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Food Distribution Division

School lunches have evolved since many of our childhood days to keep pace with new dietary guidelines and school meal patterns, but one food has been an enduring component: chicken. The popular protein graces the center of the plate in a variety of forms and flavors, and the new USDA Foods...

Food and Nutrition

Managing Waste for an Expanding Dairy Herd

January 13, 2015 Christy Morgan, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Kentucky

Jonathan Gaskin grew up on a beef cattle and grain farm in Adair County, Kentucky. And at 12, Gaskin was milking cows for the farm next door. The neighbor sold their farm when he was 18, and at that time, he always knew he wanted to have a dairy farm – he just didn’t realize he would buy that same...


World Accessibility in Rural America

December 29, 2014 Jasper Schneider, Rural Utilities Service Administrator

Access to the world via internet and mobile phone services is at the fingertips of most Americans, but this is not the reality for residents of many rural communities across the Nation. In October 2014, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced $190.5 million in grants and loans to make broadband...

Rural Technology

Rural Battery Manufacturer Gets Boost from USDA Business Program

December 18, 2014 Thomas Fern, Kentucky State Director, USDA Rural Development

Small business owners face countless challenges when it comes to finding success in the global marketplace – and for those in rural areas, the challenges are often more pronounced. For more than 30 years, Superior Battery has been manufacturing a wide range of batteries from its plant in Russell...


Surveys Help with Land Rental Negotiation

December 09, 2014 Shiela Corley, Environmental and Economics Survey Section Head, National Agricultural Statistics Service

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from USDA’s rich science and research portfolio. Farmland is one of the biggest assets in U.S. agriculture. According to the most recent Census of Agriculture, American...

Research and Science
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