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Maryland Dairy Farmers Work to Improve the Health of Estuaries

September 21, 2015 Genevieve Lister, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Maryland

Producing high quality, nutritious milk may be a top priority for Coldsprings Farm, but it is not the farm’s only accomplishment. Nestled between the rolling acres and lush green meadows of New Windsor, Maryland, lies a showcase of a dairy farm where owners Matt and Debbie Hoff are working with USDA...


Helping our Returning Heroes Find Opportunities in Agriculture: Join us for a Google+ Hangout!

September 11, 2015 Rachael Dubinsky, USDA Office of Communications

On Thursday, September 17, at 11 a.m. Eastern, Deputy Secretary Krysta Harden will sit down with a panel of veteran farmers and veteran training organizations for a live Google+ Hangout to discuss opportunities available through USDA for returning service members who are looking for long-term...


Community Eligibility: Flexibility is Key

September 09, 2015 Janna Raudenbush, Public Affairs Specialist, Food and Nutrition Service

There’s been a lot of talk over the last several years about the nutrition of school meals – where the ingredients come from, how they’re prepared, what the food tastes like, and how the meal is presented. These are all important conversations for elevating the quality of school food service and...

Food and Nutrition

Using Gypsum to Help Reduce Phosphorus Runoff

September 01, 2015 Dennis O'Brien, Public Affairs Specialist, Agricultural Research Service

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from USDA’s rich science and research portfolio. When it rains it pours. Whether we get a passing shower or a day-long downpour, the runoff ends up in rivers, streams and...

Research and Science

Community Eligibility: Navigating Speed Bumps on the Way to Success

August 31, 2015 Janna Raudenbush, Public Affairs Specialist, Food and Nutrition Service

When the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act authorized the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), schools in high-poverty areas gained another important tool to fight childhood hunger. By the end of school year 2014-15, the first year CEP was available nationwide, more than half of all eligible schools...

Food and Nutrition

It's County Fair Time at the USDA Farmers Market at Night

August 19, 2015 Annie Ceccarini, Program Manager, The People's Garden Initiative and USDA Farmers Market

August is prime time for city, county and state agricultural fairs! These fun summertime events bring communities together. Farmers markets also are an increasingly popular community gathering spot. So, what would happen if the fair theme was combined with a farmers market? You would get County Fair...

Food and Nutrition Farming Initiatives

USDA Participated in a "First of Its Kind" Camp for DC-Area Teens Focused Specifically on Open Data and Agriculture

August 18, 2015 Joyce Hunter, Deputy CIO, Policy and Planning, U.S. Department of Agriculture

Summer has arrived and young people all over the country are enjoying their time spent in summer camps. And while many camps involve athletics or camping out, others are meant to keep kids’ brains moving. Today’s camps are anything but boring. Science Technology Engineering, Agriculture and Math...


The Morrill Act: 153 Years of Innovations for American Agriculture

July 02, 2015 Sonny Ramaswamy, Director, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

July in America. It is summer time and school’s out. It is about vacations and maybe a trip to the beach. It is Independence Day—the 4 th of July—and parades and fireworks. It is about barbecues, hotdogs, and burgers. 2015 marks America’s 239 th birthday. July is also the month for another important...


Big Data for Small Producers - USDA Market News Now Covers 85 Farmers Markets

June 30, 2015 Craig A. Morris, Agricultural Marketing Service Livestock, Poultry, and Seed Program Deputy Administrator

Farmers markets are an important part of local and regional food systems. Nationwide, 150,000 farmers and ranchers are selling their products directly to consumers to meet the growing demand for local food. Many sell their products at farmers markets, which can be a catalyst for future growth...

Conservation Food and Nutrition Farming Technology

Northeast Regional Climate Hub Vulnerability Assessment Published

June 23, 2015 Rachel Steele, USDA National Climate Hubs Coordinator

The Northeast Regional Climate Hub covers Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia. The Northern Forests Climate Sub Hub shares this footprint and represents people...

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