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Agricultural Marketing Service

Get Grilling with USDA Grade A Chicken

August 28, 2019 Robert Paschal, USDA Grader, AMS

With so many choices in the grocery aisle, looking for the USDA Grade A shield on your poultry is an easy way to pick out the chicken with consistent and verified quality.

Health and Safety

Stand Up Your Holiday Feast with a Tasty Rib Roast

December 12, 2018 Jennifer Porter, Deputy Administrator, Livestock & Poultry Program

December is filled with holiday observances and family gatherings, many highlighted by a seasonal feast. While the centerpiece for these feasts is as diverse as our nation, beef is a popular choice, particularly the standing rib roast, a traditional favorite. Last holiday season, the standing rib...

Food and Nutrition Health and Safety

Honoring Our Veterans Across Generations

November 09, 2018 the Veterans of USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service

While Veterans Day is an occasion set aside to recognize present and past service, it is nearly impossible to separate memories of lost comrades. We celebrate the living, reflect solemnly on generations now fading, and recall others whose voices are forever silent.


AMS Service Solutions Help Farmers and Handlers Make All the Right Moves

August 15, 2018 Harry J. Fisher, Specialty Crops Inspection Division, AMS

It takes a village to get those red ripe watermelon or sweet ears of corn to the neighborhood grocery store at the right time for consumers. Producers must decide when to plant and pick crops, package produce, find buyers and select the right shipper to transport products to market. Hundreds of...

Food and Nutrition

Our Resilient Communities: My Experience as a Wallace-Carver Fellow

August 01, 2018 Priyanka K. Naithani, USDA

The face of poverty has often been associated with the starving child in the slums of New Delhi, India or streets of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. While this is the reality for many children across the developing world, rural and urban poverty is often overlooked in developed countries, such as the United...

Food and Nutrition Initiatives

Knowledge is Power with New Users Guides for Pork and Swine Market Reports

June 04, 2018 Michael Lynch, Director, AMS Livestock, Poultry, and Grain Market News

The smell of pork barbeque fills the country air – must be time for the summer grilling season! Before pork makes its way into the store and onto your grill, complex transactions occur between producers, packers, retailers, and foodservice providers. To ensure market transparency, USDA’s Livestock...


In Quiet Remembrance of Patriots and Comrades

May 25, 2018 I. J. Perez, Senior Public Affairs Specialist, Agricultural Marketing Service

War has always been a dirty job. Disproportionately, rural America has shouldered the task. Men and women across towns, farms, and ranches always stepped up in times of crisis. They still do. Voluntary military service by less than one percent of our population merits our gratitude.


AMS Sets the Gold Standard for Cotton

May 24, 2018 Darryl Earnest, Deputy Administrator, AMS Cotton & Tobacco Program and Jimmy Knowlton, Director, AMS Cotton and Tobacco Program, Standardization and Engineering Division

Despite its relatively small size and location in Memphis, Tennessee, the Agricultural Marketing Service, Standardization & Engineering Division (S&E) within the USDA Cotton & Tobacco Program (C&T) plays a giant role in both the U.S. and international cotton marketing systems.


The WASDE Report, aka Crop Report

May 09, 2018 Seth Meyer, Chair, USDA’s World Agricultural Outlook Board

The World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) is a monthly report providing a global look at the markets for key agricultural products. The many users include agricultural commodity traders, agricultural producers, processors, retailers and consumers, input suppliers, livestock and...


AMS’ Wholesale Market Design Architectural Services Help USDA Provide Full Service to Agricultural Marketers

April 04, 2018 Arthur Neal, Deputy Administrator, Transportation and Marketing Program

When the U.S. Department of Agriculture says it’s here to help with all aspects of agriculture, it includes no-cost architectural services for stakeholders across the country. These services consist of initial design and plan evaluation for the construction or remodeling of wholesale markets...

Food and Nutrition
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