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Agricultural Marketing Service

Try A Little Tenderness: The Evolution and Future of Meat Tenderness Standards

Bucky Gwartney, International Marketing Specialist, AMS Livestock and Poultry Program

USDA’s longstanding grading process provides an excellent overall meat quality assessment for buyers, sellers, and consumers to make decisions about their meat purchases.

Health and Safety

USDA Process Verified Program – Verification from Farm to Table

October 08, 2024 Taylor Sermersheim, Auditor, Agricultural Marketing Service

As an auditor for USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), I am one of a small group of highly-qualified individuals who audit companies that utilize our programs to back up their marketing claims and add value to their products by verifying their standards or requirements. One of these programs...


USDA Enhances Market Coverage in Retail Outlets

September 16, 2024 Michael Sheats, Director of the AMS Livestock, Poultry, and Grain Market News Division

USDA’s AMS publishes weekly retail reports on grocery store prices nationwide. Recently, reports on red meats, poultry, and eggs moved to the My Market News platform, offering customizable data as part of AMS’s modernization efforts.

Farming Food and Nutrition Technology

USDA Process Verified Program: Transparency from Farm to Market

August 16, 2024 Jennifer Porter, Deputy Administrator, Agricultural Marketing Service

When purchasing food, many consumers look for information on where the food came from and how it was produced. No antibiotics, cage-free, and grass-fed are a few marketing claims consumers find on protein-based food packaging. To provide assurance to customers of the validity of these and other...

Farming Health and Safety

New Resource Toolkit Increases Consumer Understanding of the USDA Organic Label

May 21, 2024 Jennifer Lester Moffitt, Under Secretary, Marketing & Regulatory Programs, USDA

Organic is a growing sector, with domestic sales of organic products topping $69.7 billion in 2023. However, consumer research shows that consumers do not always understand what “organic” means and how USDA protects the organic label.

Farming Organic

Local Agriculture Market Program Grant Recipient Helps Small Farms and Their Community Prosper

March 21, 2024 Jenny Lester Moffitt, Under Secretary, Marketing and Regulatory Programs

Several weeks ago, USDA announced $26 million available through this year’s Local Agriculture Market Program (LAMP). The program funds projects that increase the availability of locally grown food for consumers and develop new markets for local and regional food agricultural businesses, farmers...

Equity Farming

National Agriculture Day: How USDA is Growing a Climate for Tomorrow by Transforming our Food System Today

March 19, 2024 Jenny Moffitt, USDA Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs

Almost two years ago, reflecting on lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic and in light of ongoing supply chain challenges from global conflict and a changing climate, Secretary Vilsack announced a new framework at USDA for shoring up the food supply chain and transforming the food system to...

Equity Farming Food and Nutrition Organic

USDA’s Organic Transition Initiative in Action

February 08, 2024 Jenny Lester Moffitt, Under Secretary, Marketing and Regulatory Programs, USDA

USDA recognizes how critical organic agriculture is to our nation’s economy. We also recognize the challenges producers can face transitioning to organic.

Farming Organic

1890s Institutions Charging Forth on Specialty Crop Projects through USDA Support

September 18, 2023 USDA Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs Jenny Lester Moffitt

With last month’s announcement of the 2023 Specialty Crop Block Grant awards, the program has reached a milestone of over $1 billion invested into projects to support the U.S. specialty crop industry. Since the program’s inception in 2006, 1890s land-grant universities throughout the country have...


Professional Training and Cooperation Sustain Organic Careers

August 23, 2023 Laura Gallagher, Program Analyst, USDA National Organic Program

One week on the job can take organic inspectors from a field crop farm to a dairy pasture or food production facility. Inspectors audit organic farms, ranches, and businesses to verify that they follow the USDA organic standards. Travel and flexibility are inherent to inspection work, and many...

Farming Organic
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