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Michigan State University

Big Data Shows How to Improve Profits and Help Environment

April 22, 2019 Scott Elliott, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Technology always changes the way we think and how we do things. Now, thanks to research at Michigan State University (MSU), farmers have a new tool to determine precisely where to focus their efforts… or not. The result can save them money and save the environment from excess – wasted – fertilizer.

Research and Science Technology

USDA Reaches Out to Growing Asian American and Pacific Islander Population

December 22, 2016 Janet Nuzum, USDA Senior Advisor and Director of Asian American and Pacific Islander Affairs, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration

Did you know that Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) make up the fastest growing population group in the United States? Increasing over four times as rapidly as the overall U.S. population, AAPIs are projected to more than double by 2060, from 20 million today to 50 million. A recent...


Reversing Pollinator Decline is Key to Feeding the Future

June 24, 2016 Dr. Sonny Ramaswamy, Director, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Without pollinators, we don’t eat—it’s simple as that—and, at the moment, large numbers of pollinators are dying. With the world’s population projected to exceed 9 billion in just the next 30 years or so, that is not a good position for us to be in. More than 90 species of U.S. specialty crops...

Food and Nutrition

4-H, Be SAFE Helps Develop Youth/Adult Partnerships to Help Prevent Bullying

April 13, 2016 Amy McCune, 4-H National Headquarters, NIFA/USDA, and Karen Pace, Health & Nutrition Institute, Michigan State University Extension

(4-H’ers from across the country, U.S. territories, and Canada are converging on Washington, DC, for the 4-H National Conference, April 9-14. 4-H National Conference is the premier citizenship and civic engagement opportunity for 4-H members. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute...


In Conversation with #WomeninAg: Tyra Jonas

September 29, 2015 Rachael Dubinsky, Office of Communications

Today in our Women’s Week blog series, we feature Tyra Jonas, a college freshman from the small town of Ravenna, Michigan where the smell of pickles and cheering from the football stadium isn’t uncommon. She is a freshman at Michigan State University studying agricultural communications. She...

Conservation Initiatives

Technology Helping us Follow the Food Path

May 28, 2015 Ed Avalos, Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs

It is amazing to see such an array of meats available in today’s grocery stores. Traveling across the country in my role at USDA, I hear from so many folks that want to know where their beef comes from, what the animal was fed or how was it raised. I also know farmers have a real commitment to their...

Conservation Food and Nutrition Farming Technology

Bridging the Language Barrier for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

May 12, 2015 Kelly Flynn, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from USDA’s rich science and research portfolio. The Asian-Americans and Pacific Islander (AAPI) population is projected to reach 35.6 million in the next 40 years, making...

Research and Science

On "Bring Your Daughter to Work Day," a Local Student Learns about Climate Change

April 28, 2015 Wayne Maloney, Office of Communications

Last week, Secretary Vilsack went to Michigan State University to deliver a major climate address. Among those in attendance was 15 year old Ellie Hohenstein, a freshman at Annandale High School in Fairfax County, VA. She provides this blog concerning her experiences as she accompanied her father to...

Forests a Fascination Since High School for Legislative Affairs Specialist

October 28, 2014 Robert Westover, Office of Communication, U.S. Forest Service

When Katie Armstrong read “So You Want to be a Forester,” like many high school students she wasn’t sure what career path she wanted to follow. So she decided to attend a summer forestry camp offered by Michigan Tech. After the camp she was hooked. Then she set her goal on attending Michigan State...


Co-op Provides Help for Premature Babies, Generates Income for Moms

October 10, 2014 Tom Kalchik, Manager, Michigan Cooperative Development Program

Note: This is one in a series of entries USDA is posting to our blog in observance of National Cooperative Month in October. Mothers Milk Cooperative (MMC) is believed to be the first cooperative in the country that aggregates and markets human milk. The cooperative was incorporated in 2012 to...

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