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rural communities

Crop Insurance Continues to Strengthen Rural Communities

July 14, 2016 Brandon Willis, Risk Management Agency Administrator

America’s farmers and ranchers work hard to provide food for the world, contributing to the nation’s economy, as well as to the strength of our rural communities. To support our nation’s hardworking producers, we’ve developed programs designed to help them stay at the forefront of global production...


Seizing the TechHire Opportunity in Rural America

June 27, 2016 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and Jeffrey Zients, Director of the National Economic Council and Assistant to the President for Economic Policy

Cross-posted from the blog: There’s an exciting trend underway across the country. More and more, major companies are leaving offshore hubs and turning to rural communities in America for high-quality IT talent. In addition to a narrowing wage gap and higher quality of work in these...


U.S. Soybeans Help Feed the World

June 21, 2016 Craig A. Morris, Deputy Administrator, AMS Livestock, Poultry and Seed Program

It takes more than just a bountiful harvest to succeed in today’s agricultural marketplace. Many farmers find strength in numbers by pooling resources and expertise to grow and sustain their businesses in both the U.S. and international markets. For soybean farmers, the United Soybean Board (USB)...

Trade USDA Results

USDA Builds Communities with Lenders

June 07, 2016 Tony Hernandez, USDA Rural Housing Service Administrator

It’s been 25 years since USDA guaranteed the first home loan in Donalsonville, Georgia. The home itself was a modest spot nestled into the tiny little village in rural Georgia. To an outsider this home may look non-descript, but to the family who moved in 25 years ago, owning this home was a dream...

Conservation Rural

Sharing the Costs Helps Farmers and Businesses Explore Organic Options

May 04, 2016 Arthur Neal, Agricultural Marketing Service Transportation and Marketing Program Deputy Administrator

The organic community needs more farmers, ranchers and handlers to produce everything from organic vegetables to organic grains to organic meats. Consumer demand for organic products continues to grow, with retail sales hitting over $39 billion in the United States in 2014 and over $75 billion...

Food and Nutrition Farming

Transitioning to Organic Certification

April 21, 2016 Betsy Rakola, USDA Organic Policy Advisor

More and more farmers are entering the organic market. Just last year, the number of certified operations in the U.S. grew by almost 12 percent - more than double the growth rate of 2014. So how do farmers, ranchers, and food processors make the transition to organic? We talked to one farming family...

Conservation Food and Nutrition Farming

Our Land. Our Water. Our Future. - Earth Day 2016

April 20, 2016 Lisa Mensah, Under Secretary for Rural Development

This Friday marks the forty-sixth observance of Earth Day, and our USDA Rural Development family is celebrating with a week of project dedications and groundbreakings across the nation – projects that have a direct and positive impact on the ecology and environment of our rural communities. This...


Protecting Organic Integrity through Enforcement

April 19, 2016 Miles McEvoy, Deputy Administrator of the National Organic Program

The mission of the National Organic Program (NOP) – part of USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service – is to protect the integrity of the USDA organic seal. Consumers look for and trust the organic seal because they know that USDA stands behind the standards that it represents. In addition to setting...


Helping Organics Grow with Clear Livestock and Poultry Standards

April 07, 2016 Elanor Starmer, AMS Administrator

The mission of the National Organic Program, part of USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), is to protect the integrity of USDA organic products in our country and throughout the world. This means clearly defining what it means to be organic and enforcing those rules. Consumers look for and...

Conservation Food and Nutrition Farming

Addressing the Heroin and Prescription Opioid Epidemic

March 30, 2016 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

Walk into any town in rural America, and ask someone if they know someone who is struggling or has struggled with addiction. Chances are the answer will be yes. In 2014, 28,648 Americans died of overdoses of opioids, a class of drugs that includes both prescription pain medications and heroin...

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