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rural communities

Reflecting on One Year of Innovation at Rural Development

October 12, 2018 Anne Hazlett, Assistant to the Secretary for Rural Development

Last year, Secretary Perdue created the Rural Development Innovation Center, a team devoted to partnership development, regulatory reform, data analysis, and risk management. With a mission of coordinating resources and providing creative solutions for our rural customer, the Innovation Center is...

Rural Technology

Thriving Forests Mean Thriving Communities

September 28, 2018 Larry Moore, Office of Communication, USDA Forest Service

National forests and grasslands—and indeed all of America’s public lands—draw visitors from all over the world. There is no other land management system quite like it.


Using Space-Age Technology for Down-to-Earth Agriculture

March 30, 2018 Scott Elliott, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Astronauts and polar explorers can grow fresh foods in space and Antarctica. Now, it’s time for rural communities to get into the greenhouse game.

Research and Science

Supporting Organic Integrity with Clear Livestock and Poultry Standards

January 18, 2017 Elanor Starmer, AMS Administrator

The mission of the National Organic Program, part of USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), is to protect the integrity of organic products in the U.S. and around the world. This means creating clear and enforceable standards that protect the organic integrity of products from farm to table...

Food and Nutrition Farming

USDA and HHS Partnered this Summer to Help Human Trafficking Survivors in Rural and Tribal Communities

December 22, 2016 Greg Linden, Acting Deputy Chief, USDA Emergency Programs Division; and Flavia Keenan-Guerra, Trafficking Program Specialist, HHS Administration for Children and Families

Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery and many survivors of it didn’t realize that their situation was a crime. This crime occurs when a trafficker uses force, fraud or coercion to control another person for the purpose of engaging in commercial sex acts or soliciting labor or services...


Find Your Town, a New Tool Promoting Small Towns from the White House Opportunity Project

December 01, 2016 David Lipsetz, Associate Administrator of Rural Housing Service

Charming, historic, cozy, vibrant, quaint and fun. Small towns and rural places hold a special place in our vision of America. They offer residents a unique and often genial place to live. Visitors and those just passing through come to enjoy distinct lifestyles, commerce, and countryside. Yet, many...


RMA Serves Veterans Year-Round Through Risk Education

November 16, 2016 Brandon Willis, Administrator, Risk Management Agency

For some Americans, Veterans Day is the time that their thoughts turn to the men and women who have served in our Nation’s military. But at the USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA), we’re always thinking about the welfare of our nation’s military veterans and the rural communities in which some 5...

Initiatives Farming Rural

USDA Helps Iraqi War Veteran Enhance Conservation On Farm

November 14, 2016 Jason Johnson, Public Affairs Specialist, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, Des Moines

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is helping Iraq War veteran Adam Boge improve technology and other efficiencies in his new farming operation, allowing the Ventura farmer to prepare for long-term success in the first full year on his own. Boge enlisted in the Army directly out of high school...

Conservation Food and Nutrition Farming

Harvest Time: Celebrating Native American Heritage and Traditional Foods in FDPIR

November 14, 2016 Lindsay Williams, Food Distribution Division, USDA Food and Nutrition Service

Autumn is a time to reflect on all that we have to be thankful for, as we enjoy the harvest of nature’s bounty during gatherings with family and friends. In Indian Country, culture and tradition are sustained through shared meals with family and the community. Traditional foods are a powerful way...

Conservation Food and Nutrition

Environmental Markets Help Improve Water Quality

November 08, 2016 Kari Cohen, USDA-NRCS

Environmental trading markets are springing up across the nation with goals of facilitating the buying and selling of ecosystem services and helping more private landowners get conservation on the ground. USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack and EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy joined Virginia Governor Terry...

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